### On the client (worker) machine ... ### Consul sudo mkdir -p /etc/consul/ sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shantanugadgil/hashistack/master/config/consul/client.hcl -O /etc/consul/client.hcl ### Edit Consul's client.hcl file and setup the fields 'name', 'encrypt', 'retry_join' as per your cluster. sudo vim /etc/consul/client.hcl ### Nomad sudo mkdir -p /etc/nomad/ sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shantanugadgil/hashistack/master/config/nomad/client.hcl -O /etc/nomad/client.hcl ### Edit Nomad's client.hcl file and setup the fields 'name', 'node_class', 'encrypt', 'retry_join' as per your cluster. sudo vim /etc/nomad/client.hcl ### After you are sure about your edits ... sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable consul nomad sudo systemctl restart consul nomad sleep 10 sudo consul members sudo nomad server members sudo nomad node status -verbose