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Last active February 21, 2024 10:30
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Dorling cartogram transitions #2
height: 600
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
path {
stroke: #000;
stroke-width: 1px;
text {
font: 600 36px sans-serif;
text-anchor: end;
<svg width="960", height="600"></svg>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var svg ="svg"),
width = +svg.attr("width"),
height = +svg.attr("height"),
radius = d3.scaleSqrt().range([0, 72]).clamp(true),
color = d3.scaleLinear(),
worker = new Worker("worker.js"),
label = svg.append("text").attr("x", width - 25).attr("y", height - 25);
var colorSchemes = [
.defer(d3.json, "us.json")
.defer(d3.csv, "usda.csv", numeric)
.await(function(err, us, data) {
var neighbors = topojson.neighbors(us.objects.states.geometries),
features = topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states).features,
columns = d3.keys(data[0]).filter(d => d !== "id"),
dataById = d3.nest().key(d => => d[0]).object(data);
// Get a flat list of neighbor-neighbor links
var links = d3.merge(, i) {
return => ({ source: i, target: j }));
var states = svg.selectAll("path")
.attr("d", pathString)
.attr("fill", "#ccc");
function dorling(data) {
var column = columns.pop(),
colorScheme = colorSchemes.pop();
// Update scales
color.domain(d3.extent(features, f => f.count = dataById[][column]));
radius.domain([0, color.domain()[1]]);
f.r = radius(f.count);
f.color = colorScheme(color(f.count));
links.forEach(link => link.distance = features[link.source].r + features[].r + 3);
// Compute the next simulation while the current animation runs
compute(features, links),
data ? animate(data, columns[0]) : Promise.resolve(true)
]).then(d => dorling(d[0]));
function animate(nodes, column) {
var interpolator = d3.interpolateArray(node.rings, node.targets);
node.interpolator = function(t){
var left, right, r;
// Return a true circle at t = ~1
if (t > 0.99) {
return node.circlePath;
return pathString(interpolator(t));
return new Promise(function(resolve){
.sort((a, b) => b.r - a.r)
.attrTween("d", node => node.interpolator)
.attr("fill", node => node.color)
.attrTween("d", node => t => node.interpolator(1 - t))
.attr("fill", "#ccc")
.on("end", resolve);
.on("end", () => label.text(column))
.on("end", () => label.text(""));
// Post new set of nodes and links to the worker
function compute(nodes, links) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
worker.onmessage = event => resolve(;
worker.postMessage({ nodes, links });
// Turn GeoJSON into a flat list of rings
// Add some extra points to smooth things out
// Compute the relative distances of points along the perimeter
function cleanUpGeometry(f) {
var centroid = d3.geoPath().centroid(f);
f.x = f.x0 = centroid[0], f.y = f.y0 = centroid[1];
f.rings = f.geometry.type === "Polygon" ? [f.geometry.coordinates] : f.geometry.coordinates;
// Remove holes
f.rings ={
polygon[0].area = d3.polygonArea(polygon[0]);
polygon[0].centroid = d3.polygonCentroid(polygon[0]);
return polygon[0];
// Largest ring as primary
f.rings.sort((a, b) => b.area - a.area);
f.perimeter = d3.polygonLength(f.rings[0]);
// Optional step, makes for more circular circles
bisect(f.rings[0], f.perimeter / 36);
f.rings[0].reduce(function(prev, point){
point.along = prev ? prev.along + distance(point, prev) : 0;
return point;
}, null);
f.startingAngle = Math.atan2(f.rings[0][0][1] - f.y0, f.rings[0][0][0] - f.x0);
delete f.geometry;
function bisect(ring, maxSegmentLength) {
for (var i = 0; i < ring.length; i++) {
var a = ring[i], b = i === ring.length - 1 ? ring[0] : ring[i + 1];
while (distance(a, b) > maxSegmentLength) {
b = midpoint(a, b);
ring.splice(i + 1, 0, b);
function distance(a, b) {
return Math.sqrt((a[0] - b[0]) * (a[0] - b[0]) + (a[1] - b[1]) * (a[1] - b[1]));
function midpoint(a, b) {
return [a[0] + (b[0] - a[0]) * 0.5, a[1] + (b[1] - a[1]) * 0.5];
function pathString(d) {
return (d.rings || d).map(ring => "M" + ring.join("L") + "Z").join(" ");
function numeric(row) {
for (var key in row) {
if (key !== "id") {
row[key] = +row[key];
delete row[""];
return row;
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id peaches hogs avocados potatoes bison citrus berries goats maple syrup corn
AK 0 1009 0 676 1597 0 42 595 0 0
AL 2012 142555 0 808 252 231 1154 52749 0 763864
AR 673 109316 0 60 333 5 893 41610 0 3196252
AZ 189 0 0 3389 74 17830 22 71654 0 1162856
CA 51948 111893 122482 42660 1465 293387 52626 140042 0 13386807
CO 2776 727301 0 59281 10731 0 85 34757 0 5814436
CT 493 4737 0 0 122 0 1049 4393 10495 450169
DE 234 5891 0 1363 94 0 98 2008 0 689972
FL 1231 14915 25555 35251 385 539181 19568 52052 0 622418
GA 12318 153733 0 3634 278 25 14374 71709 0 1985804
HI 3 11441 564 26 0 928 0 12996 0 9325
IA 47 20455666 0 1028 1838 0 679 56239 828 52272402
ID 962 0 0 345217 3553 0 201 18139 0 6986296
IL 1430 4630796 0 7021 688 0 749 31546 3331 33628916
IN 429 3747352 0 3539 1319 0 1172 38632 12449 16945953
KS 187 1886197 0 5178 6638 0 185 42315 0 11847438
KY 512 313360 0 360 1411 3 866 64118 531 3801138
LA 276 6806 0 0 83 957 816 18779 0 2410708
MA 454 11151 0 3898 0 0 15727 8599 42074 230382
MD 999 19869 0 2266 441 0 480 10745 2423 2030985
ME 39 8923 0 61336 267 0 39734 6449 443024 387678
MI 4002 1099478 0 46662 1901 0 23389 27059 69017 12832067
MN 4 7606785 0 48212 3096 0 1158 33721 10776 39123408
MO 0 2774597 0 9056 2044 0 799 103669 144 6989424
MS 435 401898 0 229 49 246 2675 24528 0 3378718
MT 11 173953 0 8682 14671 0 42 10323 0 1014153
NC 1422 8901434 0 16293 312 2 8427 66367 197 3105015
ND 0 133653 0 85844 9560 0 64 4740 0 12084880
NE 31 2992576 0 22823 23152 0 144 25840 0 34793746
NH 132 3287 0 172 301 0 1068 4875 82574 226527
NJ 4873 7901 0 2427 199 0 13872 8258 406 383621
NM 230 1294 0 0 5156 0 50 30981 0 2079923
NV 67 0 0 7273 80 0 20 21388 0 161218
NY 2003 74671 0 21865 997 0 4217 36441 358603 10457196
OH 1244 2058503 0 2074 849 0 1793 51558 94133 14065910
OK 651 2304740 0 489 9685 0 345 89060 0 1165560
OR 722 12693 0 41667 1398 71 24573 33226 42 1161748
PA 4831 1134957 0 8659 1308 0 2671 50174 96266 10393075
RI 39 1830 0 558 0 0 339 886 259 903
SC 16274 224076 0 308 131 4 1450 38732 0 1077421
SD 1 1191162 0 156 33637 6 68 16545 0 17327763
TN 672 147795 0 359 346 0 990 91716 33 2704320
TX 4402 800893 37 22535 4378 24778 2048 878914 0 8647322
UT 1594 731666 0 981 1132 0 383 14723 0 1337123
VA 1773 239899 0 5423 1037 0 1120 50831 1800 2571079
VT 30 3874 0 267 108 0 749 10589 999391 1558863
WA 2714 19861 0 163925 961 1 24076 27062 4 2926068
WI 31 311651 0 66400 4246 0 22362 61111 66115 24132431
WV 1229 5873 0 335 45 0 490 18825 1341 364360
WY 0 85432 0 865 9569 0 12 9246 0 896419
DC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
onmessage = function(event) {
var nodes =, links =;
// Compute the layout
var simulation = d3
.force("cx", d3.forceX().x(d => 480).strength(0.02))
.force("cy", d3.forceY().y(d => 300).strength(0.02))
.force("link", d3.forceLink(links).distance(d => d.distance))
.force("x", d3.forceX().x(d => d.x0).strength(0.1))
.force("y", d3.forceY().y(d => d.y0).strength(0.1))
.force("collide", d3.forceCollide().strength(0.8).radius(d => d.r + 3))
while (simulation.alpha() > 0.001) {
// Compute the point-point pairs for animation
nodes.forEach(function(node) {
var circle = node.rings[0].map(function(point) {
var angle = node.startingAngle - 2 * Math.PI * (point.along / node.perimeter);
return [Math.cos(angle) * node.r + node.x, Math.sin(angle) * node.r + node.y];
// Extra rings fold into the closest point on the main circle
var closestPoints = node.rings.slice(1).map(function(ring) {
var angle = Math.atan2(ring.centroid[1] - node.y, ring.centroid[0] - node.x),
point = [Math.cos(angle) * node.r + node.x, Math.sin(angle) * node.r + node.y];
return new Array(ring.length).fill(point);
node.targets = [circle, ...closestPoints];
node.circlePath = trueCircle(node);
function distance(a, b) {
return Math.sqrt((a[0] - b[0]) * (a[0] - b[0]) + (a[1] - b[1]) * (a[1] - b[1]));
function trueCircle(node) {
var left = [node.x - node.r, node.y], right = [node.x + node.r, node.y], r = [node.r, node.r];
return "M" + left + "A" + r + ",0,1,1," + right + "A" + r + ",0,1,1," + left + "Z";
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