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Created March 2, 2016 16:32
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command -v gpg2 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "gpg2 must be installed"; exit 1; }
echo "This script is designed for generating a GPG environment on a USB key."
set -e
echo -e "Enter the path to your USB storage device, ^c to exit...\n"
read -r target
echo -e "\n"
echo -e "Enter your full name...\n"
read -r name
echo -e "\n"
echo -e "Enter your email...\n"
read -r email
echo -e "\n"
echo -e "Please make sure everything is OK, and press enter to continue, or ^c to exit."
read -r ok
echo -e "\n"
cat > $target/keygen-config <<GPG_CONFIG
%echo generating keys...
%echo you may need to wait a while while gpg gets some entropy
%echo video games provide a ton of entropy
%echo doing things also does
Key-Type: RSA
%echo generating 'sports car' length master key
Key-Length: 3072
Key-Usage: sign,auth
Subkey-Type: RSA
Subkey-Length: 2048
Subkey-Usage: encrypt,sign,auth
Name-Real: $name
Name-Email: $email
%echo done generating keys!
cat > $gpg <<BASH
DIR="\$( cd "\$( dirname "\${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
gpg2 --homedir="\$DIR" "\$@"
chmod +x "$gpg"
echo "$gpg created: use this to run GPG from your medium"
$gpg --gen-key --batch $target/keygen-config
cat > "$target/" <<BASH
set -e
read "This script will import your subkey (including private key) into this computer. Press enter to continue or ^c to exit."
read -r ok
DIR="\$( cd "\$( dirname "\${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
\$DIR/ --export-secret-subkeys --armor "$email" | gpg --import
echo "Should be here:"
gpg --list-keys "$email"
chmod +x "$target/"
echo "$target/ created: use this to import your subkey into a local GPG instance."
echo "
Printing out the generated keys.
pub: public key
uid: user id
sub: sub key"
$gpg --list-keys
echo "A GPG envionment with a key and a subkey has been created on the usb key.
You can use ./ on the USB key to run gpg in this context.
For more information on subkeys and why they're good, read this:
The long and short of it is that subkeys can be managed and revoked independently by and from the master key. You can do cool stuff like putting just the subkey on a computer and revoking it by the USB residing masterkey if it gets popped.
To use a yubikey, now follow this tutorial:"
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