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Created December 6, 2018 19:55
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using System;
using System.Numerics;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
namespace Benchmark
public class BinaryParse
public string data;
public void GlobalSetup()
public BinaryParse()
public BigInteger CurrentParser() => ParseBinaryCurrent(data);
public BigInteger TweakTest() => ParseBinaryTweaked(data);
internal static BigInteger ParseBinaryCurrent(ReadOnlySpan<char> digits, bool unsigned = false)
if (!unsigned)
if (digits[0] == '0')
unsigned = true;
switch (digits.Length)
// Only accept sign bits at these lengths:
case 8: // byte
case 16: // short
case 32: // int
case 64: // long
case 96: // decimal
case int n when n >= 128: // BigInteger
// If we do not flag these as unsigned, bigint assumes a sign bit for any (8 * n) string length
unsigned = true;
// Only use heap allocation for very large numbers
const int MaxStackAllocation = 512;
// Calculate number of 8-bit bytes needed to hold the input, rounded up to next whole number.
int outputByteCount = (digits.Length + 7) / 8;
Span<byte> outputBytes = outputByteCount <= MaxStackAllocation ? stackalloc byte[outputByteCount] : new byte[outputByteCount];
int outputByteIndex = outputBytes.Length - 1;
// We need to be prepared for any partial leading bytes, (e.g., 010|00000011|00101100), or cases
// where we only have less than 8 bits to work with from the beginning.
// Walk bytes right to left, stepping one whole byte at a time (if there are any whole bytes).
int byteWalker;
for (byteWalker = digits.Length - 1; byteWalker >= 7; byteWalker -= 8)
// Use bit shifts and binary-or to sum the values in each byte. These calculations will
// create values higher than a single byte, but the higher bits will be stripped out when cast
// to byte.
// The low bits are added in separately to allow us to strip the higher 'noise' bits before we
// sum the values using binary-or.
// Simplified representation of logic: (byte)( (7)|(6)|(5)|(4) ) | ( ( (3)|(2)|(1)|(0) ) & 0b1111 )
// N.B.: This code has been tested against a straight for loop iterating through the byte, and in no
// circumstance was it faster or more effective than this unrolled version.
outputBytes[outputByteIndex--] =
((digits[byteWalker - 7] << 7)
| (digits[byteWalker - 6] << 6)
| (digits[byteWalker - 5] << 5)
| (digits[byteWalker - 4] << 4)
| (
((digits[byteWalker - 3] << 3)
| (digits[byteWalker - 2] << 2)
| (digits[byteWalker - 1] << 1)
| (digits[byteWalker])
) & 0b1111
// With complete bytes parsed, byteWalker is either at the partial byte start index, or at -1
if (byteWalker >= 0)
int currentByteValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= byteWalker; i++)
currentByteValue = (currentByteValue << 1) | (digits[i] - '0');
outputBytes[outputByteIndex] = (byte)currentByteValue;
return new BigInteger(outputBytes, isUnsigned: unsigned, isBigEndian: true);
internal static BigInteger ParseBinaryTweaked(ReadOnlySpan<char> digits, bool unsigned = false)
if (!unsigned)
if (digits[0] == '0')
unsigned = true;
switch (digits.Length)
// Only accept sign bits at these lengths:
case 8: // byte
case 16: // short
case 32: // int
case 64: // long
case 96: // decimal
case int n when n >= 128: // BigInteger
// If we do not flag these as unsigned, bigint assumes a sign bit for any (8 * n) string length
unsigned = true;
// Only use heap allocation for very large numbers; preallocate for compiler optimizations
const int MaxStackAllocation = 512;
Span<byte> outputBytes = stackalloc byte[MaxStackAllocation];
// If we haven't allocated enough, we need to use the heap.
int outputByteCount = (digits.Length + 7) / 8;
if (outputByteCount > MaxStackAllocation)
outputBytes = new byte[outputByteCount];
int outputByteIndex = outputBytes.Length - 1;
// We need to be prepared for any partial leading bytes, (e.g., 010|00000011|00101100), or cases
// where we only have less than 8 bits to work with from the beginning.
// Walk bytes right to left, stepping one whole byte at a time (if there are any whole bytes).
int byteWalker;
for (byteWalker = digits.Length - 1; byteWalker >= 7; byteWalker -= 8)
// Use bit shifts and binary-or to sum the values in each byte. These calculations will
// create values higher than a single byte, but the higher bits will be stripped out when cast
// to byte.
// The low bits are added in separately to allow us to strip the higher 'noise' bits before we
// sum the values using binary-or.
// Simplified representation of logic: (byte)( (7)|(6)|(5)|(4) ) | ( ( (3)|(2)|(1)|(0) ) & 0b1111 )
// N.B.: This code has been tested against a straight for loop iterating through the byte, and in no
// circumstance was it faster or more effective than this unrolled version.
outputBytes[outputByteIndex--] =
((digits[byteWalker - 7] << 7)
| (digits[byteWalker - 6] << 6)
| (digits[byteWalker - 5] << 5)
| (digits[byteWalker - 4] << 4)
| (
((digits[byteWalker - 3] << 3)
| (digits[byteWalker - 2] << 2)
| (digits[byteWalker - 1] << 1)
| (digits[byteWalker])
) & 0b1111
// With complete bytes parsed, byteWalker is either at the partial byte start index, or at -1
if (byteWalker >= 0)
int currentByteValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= byteWalker; i++)
currentByteValue = (currentByteValue << 1) | (digits[i] - '0');
outputBytes[outputByteIndex] = (byte)currentByteValue;
return new BigInteger(outputBytes, isUnsigned: unsigned, isBigEndian: true);
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<BinaryParse>();
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