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Created July 12, 2020 12:02
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# Creating A Cluster #
minikube start \
--vm-driver virtualbox \
--cpus 4 \
--memory 8192
minikube addons enable default-storageclass
minikube addons enable storage-provisioner
istioctl manifest apply \
--set profile=demo
kubectl apply \
# Deploying The App #
git clone \
cd go-demo-7
git pull
kubectl create namespace go-demo-7
kubectl label namespace go-demo-7 \
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 apply \
--filename k8s/db \
ls -l k8s/app
cat k8s/app/*
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 apply \
--filename k8s/app \
export INGRESS_PORT=$(kubectl \
--namespace istio-system \
get service istio-ingressgateway \
--output jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].nodePort}')
export INGRESS_HOST=$(minikube ip):$INGRESS_PORT
curl -v -H "Host:" \
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get gateways,ingresses
# Deploying Flagger Resource #
cat k8s/istio/flagger/exercise/flagger.yaml
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 apply \
--filename k8s/istio/flagger/exercise/flagger.yaml
cat k8s/istio/flagger/exercise/gateway.yaml
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 apply \
--filename k8s/istio/flagger/exercise/gateway.yaml
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get deployments
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
rollout status \
deployment go-demo-7-primary
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get hpa
# Might be `<unknown>` if metrics server is not installed
for i in {1..10}; do
curl -H "Host:" \
sleep 0.25
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get services
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get destinationrules
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get virtualservices
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get canaries
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
describe canary go-demo-7
# Deploying A New Release #
cat k8s/istio/flagger/exercise/deployment-0-0-2.yaml
diff k8s/app/deployment.yaml \
# Open a second terminal session
export INGRESS_HOST=[...]
while true; do
curl -H "Host:" \
sleep 1
# Go back to the first terminal session
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 apply \
--filename k8s/istio/flagger/exercise/deployment-0-0-2.yaml
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get deployments
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get virtualservices
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
describe virtualservice go-demo-7
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get pods
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get canaries
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
describe canary go-demo-7
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
describe virtualservice go-demo-7
kubectl --namespace go-demo-7 \
get canaries
# Go to the second terminal session and stop the loop with *ctrl+c*
# Visualizing Metrics #
# Go to the first terminal session
istioctl manifest apply \
--set values.grafana.enabled=true
kubectl --namespace istio-system \
port-forward $(kubectl \
--namespace istio-system \
get pod \
--selector app=grafana \
--output jsonpath='{.items[0]}') \
3000:3000 &
cat k8s/grafana/flagger.json
# Copy the JSON
open "http://localhost:3000/dashboard/import"
# Paste the JSON
# References #
# Cleaning Up #
cd ..
killall kubectl
kubectl delete namespace go-demo-7
# Destroy the cluster (optional)
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