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Vadim Geshel vgeshel

  • San Francisco, CA
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vgeshel /
Created July 6, 2022 04:08
Fresh cheese and syrnyky / домашній сир і сирники

This is a recipe for making Ukrainian fresh cheese (сир, творог) at home. I use this cheese mostly to make syrnyky (сирники), which are simple cheese pancakes. This requires cheese that is quite dry, firm, with a neutral taste, and the recipe is optimized for that. This recipe's result should be more like cheese you'd get at a farmer's market in Ukraine than store-bought (which is usually too crumbly and too sour). I promise it will be much better than anything you can buy in a store in the US.

There are lots of recipes for fresh cheese around. I've settled on this one because it's very little work, pretty quick, and easy to reliably reproduce. I make this in the US, hence the imperial measures and the use of buttermilk.


  • A large pot. Stainless steel works best. Many people advise against enameled pots - in my ex
vgeshel / function.js
Last active February 9, 2022 09:19
AWS Lambda function for forwarding SNS notifications to Slack
console.log('Loading function');
const https = require('https');
const url = require('url');
// to get the slack hook url, go into slack admin and create a new "Incoming Webhook" integration
const slack_url = '';
const slack_req_opts = url.parse(slack_url);
slack_req_opts.method = 'POST';
slack_req_opts.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'};
Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 175T1Zg5nNudKj98HgKokCHQbnnF4DS5c6
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am vgeshel on github.
* I am vadim ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASAThT9a6d1TvcgLbUVcavqkku29zK2l5uCCGaGEFl23DAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 1DjhjZEDjiDWbWbRa64m75otPNRTHFujxi
Verifying my Blockstack ID is secured with the address 1DjhjZEDjiDWbWbRa64m75otPNRTHFujxi
vgeshel / gist:1603174
Created January 12, 2012 21:16 — forked from hugoduncan/gist:1103191
clojurescript minor mode
;;; clojurescript-mode.el --- Minor mode for clojurescript code
;; Copyright (C) 2011 Hugo Duncan
;; Authors: Hugo Duncan
;; Version: 0.1.0
;; Keywords: languages, lisp, javascript
;; To run the compiler every time a cljs file is saved:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am vgeshel on github.
  • I am vadim ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is B730 3B29 384F 52E0 7EA2 2D10 4327 C13B ECAE 51F3

To claim this, I am signing this object: