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Created June 30, 2014 13:17
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Crossposting.panel.Send = function(config) {
config = config || {record:{}};
config.record = config.record || {};
//extend: MODx.panel.Resource,
baseParams: {}
,panelXType: 'crossposting-panel-send'
,border: false
//,cls: 'modx-resource-tab'
,layout: 'form'
,forceLayout: true
,deferredRender: false
,labelWidth: 200
,bodyCssClass: 'main-wrapper'
,autoHeight: true
,labelAlign: 'top'
,listeners: {
'beforeSubmit': {fn:this.beforeSubmit,scope:this}
,items: [
xtype: 'textfield'
,fieldLabel: _('resource_pagetitle')+'<span class="required">*</span>'
,description: '<b>[[*pagetitle]]</b><br />'+_('resource_pagetitle_help')
,name: 'crossposting[pagetitle]'
,id: 'crossposting-pagetitle'
,maxLength: 255
,anchor: '100%'
,allowBlank: false
,value: Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-resource').getField('pagetitle').getValue() || {}
xtype: 'textfield'
,fieldLabel: _('resource_longtitle')
,description: '<b>[[*longtitle]]</b><br />'+_('resource_longtitle_help')
,name: 'crossposting[longtitle]'
,id: 'crossposting-longtitle'
,maxLength: 255
,anchor: '100%'
,value: Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-resource').getField('pagetitle').getValue() || {}
xtype: 'textarea'//xtype: 'htmleditor'
,fieldLabel: _('resource_description')
,description: '<b>[[*description]]</b><br />'+_('resource_description_help')
,name: 'crossposting[content]'//'crossposting[content-text]'
,id: 'crossposting-content'
,maxLength: 255
,grow: false
,height: 200
,anchor: '100%'
,value: Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-resource').getField('content').getValue() || {}
xtype: 'hidden'
,name: 'crossposting[content]'
,id: 'crossposting-hiddenContent'
,value: Ext.getCmp('modx-panel-resource').getField('hiddenContent').getValue() || {}
xtype: 'button'
,text : 'My Button'
,id: 'crossposting-button'
var element = Ext.get('modx-abtn-save');
element.on('click', function(e, target, options){
}, this);
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