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vickyg3 /
Created August 8, 2011 18:15
Take Snapshot
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
filename = '1.png'
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
device.takeSnapshot().getSubImage((10, 10, 220, 40)).writeToFile(filename, 'png')
vickyg3 /
Created August 8, 2011 18:21
PNG Conversion and OCR
#! /bin/bash
pngtopnm $1 |
ocrad --format=utf8 --filter=numbers |
sed -r -e 's/x/\*/' -e 's/÷/\//' -e 's/\_([0-9]+)/int\(math\.sqrt\(\1\)\)/' |
tr -d '\n' |
tr -d ' '
vickyg3 /
Created August 8, 2011 18:25
Result Evaluation
percent = re.compile(r'([0-9]+)\%of([0-9]+)')
question = os.popen("./ %s" % filename).read()
if '+' not in question and '-' not in question and '/' not in question and '*' not in question and '%' not in question and 'i' not in question:
result = int(question[0:-1]) * int(question[0:-1])
elif '%' in question:
result = int( * int( / 100;
result = eval(question)
vickyg3 / gist:1132371
Created August 8, 2011 18:30
Touch simulation
result_str = str(result)
for ch in result_str:
device.touch(getx(ch), gety(ch), 'DOWN_AND_UP')
vickyg3 /
Created August 8, 2011 18:33
Hacking Math Workout with OCR
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
import os
import time
import math
import re
def getx(n):
if n in ('1', '4', '7'):
return 50
elif n in ('2', '5', '8', '0'):
vickyg3 /
Created April 8, 2012 09:56
kid vs programmer
#! /usr/bin/python
import numpy.linalg as lin
def get_values(s):
lhs, rhs = s.split("=")
sparts = map(int, lhs)
freq = dict((i, sparts.count(i)) for i in set(sparts))
return ([freq.get(i,0) for i in range(10)], int(rhs))
vickyg3 /
Created June 23, 2012 16:32
Sample monkeyrunner code
#! /path_to_sdk/tools/monkeyrunner
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
print 'waiting for device'
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
print 'device attached'
# the body will probably go like this
while True:
vickyg3 /
Created June 23, 2012 16:42
Temple runner controller
#! /home/vignesh/android-sdk-linux/tools/monkeyrunner
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
import sys
def jump():
global device
device.drag((400,900), (400, 800), 0.25)
def duck():