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videlais/Tool.js Secret

Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Met subclass of Phaser.Sprite
function Tool(game, x, y, cacheKey) {
// Call the Phaser.Sprite constructor, game, x, y, cacheKey);
// Enable physics;
// Set the (physics) body to be immovable
this.body.immovable = true;
// Center the anchor
this.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
// Create a group for the bullets
this.bulletGroup =;
// Enable all create items to have (physics) bodies
this.bulletGroup.enableBody = true;
// Set the type of physics bodies to be ARCADE
this.bulletGroup.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE;
// Create 13 bullets using the 'enemyBullet' cache key
this.bulletGroup.createMultiple(13, 'enemyBullet');
// Check if bullets collide with world bounds
this.bulletGroup.setAll('checkWorldBounds', true);
// If they do collide with world bounds, they are killed
this.bulletGroup.setAll('outOfBoundsKill', true);
// Bullets only 'live' for 1600ms
this.bulletGroup.setAll('lifespan', 1600);
// Set the firing rate (how long between shooting)
this.fireRate = 1800;
// The time of the next shot
this.nextFire = 0;
// The velocity of each created or revived bullet
this.bulletSpeed = 150;
// The initial firing angle
this.firingAngle = 135;
// The 'triggerBox'
// If another sprite is within this rectangle, shoot at them
this.triggerBox = new Phaser.Rectangle(
x - (this.width * 3),
y - (this.height * 3),
this.width * 3.5,
this.height * 3.5);
// The 'explosionGroup' for spawning explosions
this.explosionGroup = new ExplosionGroup(;
// Set that this sprite is 'alive'
this.alive = true;
Tool.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype);
Tool.prototype.constructor = Tool;
Tool.prototype.shoot = function() {
// Is this sprite alive?
if (this.alive) {
// It is alive, so check if enough time has past since the last
// shot and that there are at least 3 bullets 'dead'
if ( > this.nextFire && this.bulletGroup.countDead() > 3)
// Update the timer
this.nextFire = + this.fireRate;
// Run for three loops
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
// Get the first 'dead' sprite
var bullet = this.bulletGroup.getFirstDead();
// Reset its position to the same as this sprite's position
// making some adjustments for where the bullets should
// come from for this sprite.
bullet.reset(this.body.x + (this.width / 2), this.body.y + (this.height / 2) - 18);
// Set the firing angle
bullet.angle = this.firingAngle;
// Set the firing trajectory as based on
// the angle and set velocity (linear diagonal motion),
// Update the firing angle by 45 degrees
this.firingAngle += 45;
// Reset the firing angle to 135 degrees
this.firingAngle = 135;
Tool.prototype.kill = function() {
// Create an explosion at this position
this.explosionGroup.explode(this.x, this.y);
// kill() this sprite by calling Phaser.Sprite's
// own kill function and passing 'this';
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