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Last active June 7, 2019 15:30
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(ns dijkstra.core)
(defn make-graph [] (atom {}))
(defn add-node [g node]
(swap! g assoc node {}))
(defn add-edge [g src target]
(swap! g update src #(assoc % target 1)))
(defn unvisited-neighbors
"Returns unvisited node's neighbors"
[graph node unvisited] (select-keys (get graph node) unvisited))
(defn update-costs
"Returns costs updated with any shorter paths found to curr's unvisited
neighbors by using curr's shortest path"
[g costs curr unvisited]
(let [curr-cost (costs curr)]
(fn [result [nbr nbr-cost]]
(update result nbr (fn [x] (min x (+ curr-cost nbr-cost)))))
(unvisited-neighbors g curr unvisited))))
(defn dijkstra
"Returns a mapping of nodes to minimum cost from src using Dijkstra algorithm.
Graph is a mapping of nodes to map of neighboring nodes and associated cost."
[g src]
(let [initial-costs (zipmap (keys g) (repeat ##Inf))
initial-unvisited (into #{} (keys g))]
(loop [costs (assoc initial-costs src 0)
curr src
unvisited (disj initial-unvisited src)]
(if (empty? unvisited)
(let [costs' (update-costs g costs curr unvisited)
curr' (first (sort-by costs' unvisited)) ;; costs' is a map therefore it behaves as a function
unvisited' (disj unvisited curr') ;; remove curr' from unvisited
(recur costs' curr' unvisited'))))))
(def g (make-graph))
(add-node g "paris")
(add-node g "rome")
(add-node g "prague")
(add-edge g "paris" "rome")
(add-edge g "rome" "prague")
(add-edge g "prague" "paris")
(dijkstra @g "paris")
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