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Created October 29, 2019 07:14
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(ns viebel.gist-983676a98aee0991cfb002a67676602f.raw.split-expressions
(:require [ :as r]
[ :as rt]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(defn- read-chars
(loop [res []]
(if-let [ch (rt/read-char reader)]
(recur (conj res ch))
(defn reader-content [r]
(apply str (read-chars r)))
(defn first-exp-and-rest [s]
(let [sentinel (js-obj)
reader (rt/string-push-back-reader s)
res (r/read reader false sentinel)]
(if (= sentinel res)
["" ""]
(let [rest-s (reader-content reader)
first-exp (subs s 0 (- (count s) (count rest-s)))]
[(s/replace first-exp #"^[\s\n]*" "")
(defn split-expressions [s]
(loop [s s res []]
(if (empty? s)
(let [[exp rest-s] (first-exp-and-rest s)]
(if (empty? exp)
(recur rest-s res)
(recur rest-s (conj res exp)))))))
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