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Yehonathan Sharvit viebel

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am viebel on github.
  • I am viebel ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is EDBD 1851 C8E1 DBB5 8AA9 AADE AFC4 60B7 CD50 FA17

To claim this, I am signing this object:

(.batchUpdate "1zC8gFo20z0WdldYEQ1KuC0jGFZjHZI14fauFmCQ4H4s"
(make-batch-update [(-> (CreateDeveloperMetadataRequest.)
(.setDeveloperMetadata (-> (DeveloperMetadata.)
(.setMetadataId (int 1232))
(.setMetadataKey "foofoo")
(.setMetadataValue "123")
(.setLocation (-> (DeveloperMetadataLocation.)
(str "Hello Advah"
" "
"Hello Yair")
(defn h [name]
(str "Hello"
" "
[(h "Yair")
(require '[datascript.core :as d])
(let [schema {:aka {:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}}
conn (d/create-conn schema)]
(d/transact! conn [ { :db/id -1
:name "Maksim"
:age 45
:aka ["Max Otto von Stierlitz", "Jack Ryan"] } ])
(d/q '[ :find ?n ?a
;; 1. hello worlds
;; 1.1. Write a function that receives a name and prints to the console Hello <name>!
;; 1.2. Write a function that receives several names and prints to the console Hello <name>! for each name
;; 1.3. Write of code that checks your functions work properly (layman unit tests)
(defn hello [name]
(str "Hello, " name "!"))
(ns dijkstra.core)
(defn make-graph [] (atom {}))
(defn add-node [g node]
(swap! g assoc node {}))
(defn add-edge [g src target]
(swap! g update src #(assoc % target 1)))
(ns dijkstra.core)
(defn unvisited-neighbors
"Returns unvisited node's neighbors"
[graph node unvisited] (select-keys (get graph node) unvisited))
(defn update-costs
"Returns costs updated with any shorter paths found to curr's unvisited
neighbors by using curr's shortest path"
[g costs curr unvisited]
(def github-db {"viebel"
{:username "viebel",
:name "Yehonathan Sharvit",
:email "",
:organizations ["ibm" "google"],
{"klipse" {:name "klipse", :stars 23451, :forks 1254},
"titeuf" {:name "titeuf", :stars 1432, :forks 52},
"spirou" {:name "spirou", :stars 455, :forks 9}}},
'[ :as r]])
(binding [r/*data-readers* {'a/num (constantly 1)}]
:a (r/read-string "{:a #a/num \"42\"}"))
(require '[clojure.string :refer [join]])
(def d (js->clj js/data :keywordize-keys true))
(join "\n"
(->> (:topics d)
(remove #(get-in % [:factors :bad]))
(remove #(<= (:count %) (+ (get-in % [:factors :automated] 0)
(get-in % [:factors :autoEmail] 0)