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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Git: Commands, Unix
Working in terminal
cd | Change directory
ls | List directory
ls -al | List all files with permissions showned
mv | Change file name, mv #filename1 #filename2
mv * .. | Move everything up one directory
rm | Remove file, rm #filename
wget | Download a file, wget #filelocation
tar --xzvf | Extract .gz file, tar --xzvf #filename
tar -cvf | Compress
pwd | Show current location, print working directory
cp -R | Copy site recursively, cp -R #temp/sites/ #website
touch #filename | Make a new file
Nix Shortcuts
* | Everything
. | Current location
.. | Level above
~ | Home directory
/ | Show directory structure
git init | initialize
git add . | add files
git add #folder/ | add everything in that folder
git commit -m "message" | commit
git log | show log messages
git log -n | show number of logs
git log --since=2013-10-01
git log --until=2013-10-01
git log --author="Vien"
git log --grep="Init" | show log with regexp
git diff | show difference between files between working directory and repository
git diff --staged | check difference staged directory and repository
git diff --color-words | color words
git diff #startsha1..#endsha1 -- #filename | Make sure that you get the 1 commit before the startsha1 if git return nothing.
Simply make sure that you're fetching the correct start and end sha1.
git rm #filename | remove file
git mv #filenmae #filname2 | rename the file and add it to staging dir
git commit -a | commit and add, grab everything ONLY for commit modification, not include deleted files
git checkout -- #filename | checkout filename
git checkout #sha1 -- #filename | check out filename with sha1 to staging dir
git reset HEAD #filename | reset staged changes
git commit --ammend -m "message" | modify gitrepository without adding an extra commit, modify HEAD commit
git revert sha1 | revert the repository it previous and make a commit of it
git reset --soft #sha1
git reset --mixed(default) #sha1
git reset --hard #sha1
git log --oneline | show log one line per commit
git log --format=online
git log --format=short
git log --graph
git log -p | show patch, show detailed changes
git log --stat --summary | show stats of commits
git clean -n | test clean run
git clean -f | clean the untracked files
notepad .gitignore | create a git ignore file with notepad
git rm --cached #filename | remove from staging index
git show #sha1 | show the commit
git show --format=oneline HEAD~3 | show 3 commit back form the HEAD
git diff #sha1..#sha1
git branch | show branches
git branch #name | create new branch
git checkout -b #branchName | create and immediately switch to a branch
git checkout #newbranch | checkout the new branch
git diff #master..#newbranch | show diff between branches
git diff --color-words #master..#newbranch | show diff in branches with colors
git branch --merged | compare if the current branch is merged from any other branch
git branch -m #oldbranch #newbranch | rename branch
git branch -d #branch | delete branch
git branch -r | show remote branch
git branch -a | show all branch include remote
git merge #targetbranch | merge with the targeted branch, fast forward merged, master no new commit after branching, must be on the old branch first
git merge --no-ff #branch | make new commit, no fast forward merge
git merge --ff-only branch | do the merge only if it can do fast forward else abort
git stash save "message" | save a stash so you can have the changes saved and checkout differenct branch
git stash list | list all stasches
git stash show stash@{0}
git stash show -p stash@{0} | show differences
git stash pop stash@{0} | pop stash item to working dir and remove
git stash apply stash@{0} | take out item from stash and apply
git stash drop stash@{0} | drop the stash item
git stash clear | clear out stash
git remote | show all remotes
git remote add origin #githubURL | add new remote github
git push -u #alias master | push up to remote repo and keep tracking
git remove rm #origin | remove remote branch
git rm -r #folderName | remove folder
git clone #githubURL #name
git fetch | fetch from remote repo
fetch before you work
feth before push
fetch often
git pull = git fetch + git merge
git branch #remotebranch #localbranchname | get remote branch
git checkout -b #remotebranch #localbranchname | checkout remote branch
git push origin --delete #remotebranch | delete remote branch
Work flow
git init
git add .
git commit -m "message"
git remote add origin #githubURL
git fetch
git merge origin/master | merge with the local fetch repo
git push -u origin master | push up to remote repo from master(working dir)
push to github
git push -u origin master
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