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Last active April 11, 2017 15:45
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"Matriochka step 4 (I did it again)" solution in the form of IDA script — Nuit du Hack Quals 2017
from __future__ import print_function
from idautils import *
from idaapi import *
import hashlib
def step_forward(addr, n=1, checks=None):
if checks:
assert(n == len(checks))
for i in range(n):
q = DecodeInstruction(addr)
if checks:
assert(q.get_canon_mnem() == checks[i])
addr += q.size
return addr
def process_one(addr):
start = GetOperandValue(addr, 1)
addr = step_forward(addr, 5, ['lea', 'mov', 'jmp', 'mov', 'movzx'])
xor_value = GetOperandValue(addr, 1) & 0xFF
addr = step_forward(addr, 6, ['xor', 'mov', 'mov', 'mov', 'add', 'mov'])
end = GetOperandValue(addr, 1)
addr = step_forward(addr, 3, ['lea', 'cmp', 'jb'])
return (addr, start, end, xor_value)
def make_magic(addr=None):
if not addr:
addr = ScreenEA()
assert(addr != BADADDR)
_ = step_forward(addr, 1, ['jmp'])
addr = GetOperandValue(addr, 0)
addr, start1, end1, xor_value1 = process_one(addr)
print('[*] XORing from {} to {} with value {}'.format(hex(start1), hex(end1), hex(xor_value1)))
addr, start2, end2, xor_value2 = process_one(addr)
print('[*] XORing from {} to {} with value {}'.format(hex(start2), hex(end2), hex(xor_value2)))
# for i in range(start1, end1, 1):
# PatchByte(i, Byte(i) ^ xor_value1)
for i in range(start2, end2, 1):
PatchByte(i, Byte(i) ^ xor_value2)
def make_more_magic(addr=None):
if not addr:
addr = ScreenEA()
print('[*] Starting from {}'.format(hex(addr)))
while addr < 0x40E000:
q = DecodeInstruction(addr)
if q.get_canon_mnem() == 'jmp' and GetOperandValue(addr, 0) > addr:
print('[-] Found candidate at {}'.format(hex(addr)))
make_magic(GetOperandValue(addr, 0))
if addr != 0x40bd06:
PatchByte(addr + 0, 0x31)
PatchByte(addr + 1, 0xC0)
PatchByte(addr + 2, 0xC9)
PatchByte(addr + 3, 0xC3)
PatchByte(addr + 4, 0xCC)
assert(Byte(addr - 2) == 0x74)
PatchByte(addr - 2, 0x75)
# for j in range(q.size):
# PatchByte(addr + j, 0x90)
# print('[!] Failed')
addr += q.size
print('[!] Ended at {}'.format(hex(addr)))
def find_constraints():
addr = 0x40b000
constraints, temp = [], []
while addr < 0x425000:
q = DecodeInstruction(addr)
if q.get_canon_mnem() == 'mov' and GetOperandValue(addr, 1) == 0:
insns = ['mov', 'mov', 'mov', 'mov', 'jmp', 'mov', 'mov', 'mov', 'add', 'movzx', 'movsx', 'mov', 'mov', 'movzx', 'xor', 'mov', 'jmp', 'mov', 'and', 'neg', 'mov', 'mov', 'shr']
_ = step_forward(addr, len(insns), insns)
print('[*] Found constraint candidate at {}'.format(hex(addr)))
addr = step_forward(addr, 1)
cons0 = GetOperandValue(addr, 1)
addr = step_forward(addr, 1)
cons1 = GetOperandValue(addr, 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
addr = step_forward(addr, 34)
cons2 = GetOperandValue(addr, 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
temp.append((cons0, cons1, cons2))
elif q.get_canon_mnem() == 'retn' and len(temp) > 0:
print('[-] {} constraints found in function'.format(len(temp)))
constraints = temp[::-1] + constraints
temp = []
addr += 1
print('[!] Found constraints for {} bytes totally'.format(sum(x[0] for x in constraints)))
constraints = constraints[::-1]
ans = b''
for con_i, con in enumerate(constraints):
print('[-] Bruteforcing constraint {}/{}'.format(con_i, len(constraints)))
results = []
for a1 in range(128):
for a2 in range(128):
t = -1 & 0xFFFFFFFF
t ^= a1
for _ in range(8):
t = (t >> 1) ^ (-(t & 1) & con[1])
t ^= a2
for _ in range(8):
t = (t >> 1) ^ (-(t & 1) & con[1])
if (~t) & 0xFFFFFFFF == con[2]:
results.append([a1, a2])
if len(results) > 1:
print('[!] More than 1 result found')
elif len(results) == 0:
print('[!] No result found')
ans += ''.join(map(chr, results[0]))
if len(ans) == 334:
m = hashlib.md5()
print('[!] Answer:', m.hexdigest())
# with open('C:\\Users\\vient\\Desktop\\ctf\\nuitduhack\\step4_cons.txt', 'w') as f:
# _ = f.write(repr(constraints[::-1]))
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
___ ___ _ _ _ _
| \/ | | | (_) | | | |
| . . | __ _| |_ _ __ _ ___ ___| |__ | | ____ _
| |\/| |/ _` | __| `__| |/ _ \ / __| `_ \| |/ / _` |
| | | | (_| | |_| | | | (_) | (__| | | | < (_| |
\_| |_/\__,_|\__|_| |_|\___/ \___|_| |_|_|\_\__,_|
I did it again.
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