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vijayjt /
Created October 3, 2017 16:04
Reset PAM configuration on HDInsight
echo 'H4sIACqlxVgAA5VUyW7bMBA9218xiA9JANtpeigKFDnkAwoEaG9FEYzFkT0xRapc7Khf30dKNrK0
vijayjt /
Last active October 3, 2017 15:19
HDInsight Ambari REST API examples - check out my repo AzureHDInsight for the full code
function check_ambari_user_exists()
# Get list of users in Ambari
USER_LIST=$(curl -u "$USERID:$PASSWD" -sS -G "http://${ACTIVEAMBARIHOST}:8080/api/v1/users" | grep 'user_name' | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d '"','',' ' )
for User in $( echo "$USER_LIST" | tr '\r' ' '); do
echo "-${User}-"
if [ "$User" == "$USER_TO_CHECK" ];then
echo 0
vijayjt / create-azure-ad-app-and-spn-multiple-certs.ps1
Last active October 2, 2017 17:18
Create an Azure AD App with Multiple Certs for Authentication
# Create the self signed cert
mkdir c:\certificates
$currentDate = Get-Date
$endDate = $currentDate.AddYears(1)
$notAfter = $endDate.AddYears(1)
$pwdplaintext = "P@ssW0rd1"
vijayjt / Get-AzureRegionPublicIPAddressList.ps1
Created May 21, 2017 09:47
The function lists the public IP addresses in a particular Azure region
Function Get-AzureRegionPublicIPAddressList
The function lists the public IP addresses in a particular Azure region
The function lists the public IP addresses in a particular Azure region.
The Azure region for which you want to retrieve public IP addresses.
vijayjt / Get-AzurePubicIpXMLRegionList.ps1
Last active May 21, 2017 10:02
Return the regions in the Azure Public IP XML file
Function Get-AzurePubicIpXMLRegionList
The function takes the Azure Public IP address XML file and returns an array of region names
The function takes the Azure Public IP address XML file and returns an array of region names
The XML file containing the Azure IP ranges.
vijayjt / Get-AzureIPRangesXMLFile.ps1
Last active July 31, 2017 12:25
PowerShell function to download the Azure Public IP Ranges file and save it locally
Function Get-AzurePublicIPRangesXMLFile
This function downloads the Azure IP ranges XML file to the current directory or a specified path.
This function downloads the Azure IP ranges XML file to the current directory or a specified path.
An optional parameter that is the URL to the Azure IP range XML file download page.
.PARAMETER DestinationPath
vijayjt / azure-web-app-php-ldap-test.php
Created April 10, 2017 19:47
Code for testing LDAP connection from an Azure Web App in an ASE to a AD DC in a VNet
$domain = 'acme.local';
$username = 'aduser';
$password = 'replaceWithPassword';
$ldapconfig['host'] = '192.168.21';
$ldapconfig['port'] = 389;
$ldapconfig['basedn'] = 'dc=acme,dc=local';
$ldap_dn = "DC=acme,DC=local";
vijayjt / PowerShell-LDAP-Search-Example1.ps1
Created April 10, 2017 19:42
How to search AD using PowerShell
$username = 'aduser'
$password = 'replaceWithPassword'
$DomainControllerIpAddress = ''
$LdapDn = 'dc=acme,dc=local'
$dn = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry ("LDAP://$($DomainControllerIpAddress):389/$LdapDn",$username,$password)
# Here look for a user
$ds = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($dn)
$ds.filter = "((userPrincipalName=*))"
$ds.SearchScope = "subtree"
vijayjt / Windows-Server2008R2-AD-Install.ps1
Created April 10, 2017 19:29
PowerShell code for installing AD and running DC Promo via an Answer file for Win2K8R2 (for ASE and AD blog post)
$AccountName = 'my-admin'
$vmpwd = 'ReplaceWithAStrongPassword'
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $vmpwd -AsPlainText -Force
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($AccountName, $SecurePassword);
Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature GPMC, Backup-Features, Backup, Backup-Tools,DNS,WINS-Server -Verbose
Add-WindowsFeature AS-NET-Framework -Verbose
Add-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services, ADDS-Domain-Controller -Verbose
vijayjt / create-win2k8r2-vm-in-azure-arm.ps1
Last active April 10, 2017 19:30
PowerShell code to create a Windows Server 2008 R2 VM in Azure (for ASE and AD blog post)
# Select a subscritpion
Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionName (Get-AzureRmSubscription | Out-GridView -PassThru).SubscriptionName
$Location = 'North Europe'
# Create a resource group for the VM and storage account
$CoreInfraResourceGroupName = 'VM-RG-0001'
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $CoreInfraResourceGroupName -Location $Location
$CoreInfraVMStorageAccount = '0048vhdstorage'