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Created May 14, 2015 07:54
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Examples of how to use slices in Go programming language
package main
import (
func AddOneToEachElement(slice []int) {
for i := range slice {
func SubtractOneFromLength(slice []int) []int {
slice = slice[0:len(slice)-1]
return slice
type path []byte
type Gopher []int
func (p *path) TruncateAtFinalSlash() {
i := bytes.LastIndex(*p, []byte("/"))
if i >= 0 {
*p = (*p)[0:i]
func (p path) ToUpper() {
for i, b := range p {
if 'a' <= b && b <= 'z' {
p[i] = b + 'A' - 'a'
func Insert(slice []int, index, value int) []int {
// Grow the slice by one element.
slice = slice[0 : len(slice)+1]
// Use copy to move the upper part of the slice out of the way and open a hole.
copy(slice[index+1:], slice[index:])
// Store the new value.
slice[index] = value
// Return the result.
return slice
func Extend(slice []int, element int) []int {
n := len(slice)
if n == cap(slice) {
// Slice is full; must grow.
// We double its size and add 1, so if the size is zero we still grow.
newSlice := make([]int, len(slice), 2*len(slice)+1)
copy(newSlice, slice)
slice = newSlice
slice = slice[0 : n+1]
slice[n] = element
return slice
// Append appends the items to the slice.
// First version: just loop calling Extend.
func Append(slice []int, items []int {
for _, item := range items {
slice = Extend(slice, item)
return slice
func main() {
var buffer [20]int
i := 0
for i < 20 {
buffer[i] = i
fmt.Println("buffer array: ", buffer)
//slice does not create a new array. it just passed pointer to header and length of slice (for the underlying array)
slice := buffer[5:15]
fmt.Println("slice i.e. buffer[5:15]: ", slice)
slice2 := slice[5:8]
fmt.Println("slice2 = slice[5:8]: ", slice2)
//loose first and last elements
slice = slice[1:len(slice)-1]
fmt.Println("slice = slice[1:len(slice)-1]: ", slice)
fmt.Println("Adding one to each element of slice2")
fmt.Println("slice2: ", slice2)
//the change will reflect in slice as well.
fmt.Println("change will get reflected in slice and buffer array as well")
fmt.Println("slice: ", slice)
fmt.Println("buffer array: ", buffer)
//arguments are copy
fmt.Println("Before: len(slice) =", len(slice))
newSlice := SubtractOneFromLength(slice)
fmt.Println("After: len(slice) =", len(slice))
fmt.Println("After: len(newSlice) =", len(newSlice))
//capacities of buffer array and slices
fmt.Println("capacity buffer array: ", cap(buffer))
fmt.Println("capacity slice: ", cap(slice))
fmt.Println("capacity slice2: ", cap(slice2))
fmt.Println("capacity newSlice: ", cap(newSlice))
pathName := path("/usr/bin/tso") // Conversion from string to path.
fmt.Printf("%s\n", pathName)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", pathName)
slice3 := make([]int, 10, 15)
fmt.Printf("slice3 len: %d, cap: %d\n", len(slice3), cap(slice3))
gophers := make([]Gopher, 10)
fmt.Printf("gophers len: %d, cap: %d\n", len(gophers), cap(gophers))
slice4 := make([]int, 10, 20) // Note capacity > length: room to add element.
for i := range slice4 {
slice4[i] = i
slice4 = Insert(slice4, 5, 99)
slice5 := make([]int, 0, 5)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
slice5 = Extend(slice5, i)
fmt.Printf("len=%d cap=%d slice=%v\n", len(slice5), cap(slice5), slice5)
fmt.Println("address of 0th element:", &slice5[0])
slice6 := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
slice6 = Append(slice6, 5, 6, 7, 8)
slice7 := []int{55, 66, 77}
slice6 = Append(slice6, slice7...)
//built-in append examples for slice
//builtin append can change the header of slice
// Create a couple of starter slices.
slice = []int{1, 2, 3}
slice2 = []int{55, 66, 77}
fmt.Println("Start slice: ", slice)
fmt.Println("Start slice2:", slice2)
// Add an item to a slice.
slice = append(slice, 4)
fmt.Println("Add one item:", slice)
// Add one slice to another.
slice = append(slice, slice2...)
fmt.Println("Add one slice:", slice)
// Make a copy of a slice (of int).
//a nil slice is functionally equivalent to a zero-length slice, even though it points to nothing.
//It has length zero and can be appended to, with allocation
slice3 = append([]int(nil), slice...)
fmt.Println("Copy a slice:", slice3)
// Copy a slice to the end of itself.
fmt.Println("Before append to self:", slice)
slice = append(slice, slice...)
fmt.Println("After append to self:", slice)
//Strings are just read-only slices of bytes with a bit of extra syntactic support from the language.
slash := "/usr/ken"[0]
usr := "/usr/ken"[0:4]
//We can also take a normal slice of bytes and create a string from it with the simple conversion
//str := string(slice)
//and go in the reverse direction as well:
slice8 := []byte(usr)
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