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Created July 9, 2020 13:14
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Solar Timetable in Rust
/// This file is a copy of [solar.c]( from redshift.
/// This module makes extensive use of the [Julian Day notation](
/// to measure elapsed days between events and in calculations.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use chrono;
use chrono::prelude::*;
/* Ported from javascript code by U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration:
It is based on equations from "Astronomical Algorithms" by
Jean Meeus. */
/// Model of atmospheric refraction near horizon (in degrees).
const ATM_REFRAC: f64 = 0.833;
const ASTRO_TWILIGHT_ELEV: f64 = -18.0;
const NAUT_TWILIGHT_ELEV: f64 = -12.0;
const CIVIL_TWILIGHT_ELEV: f64 = -6.0;
const DAYTIME_ELEV: f64 = (0.0 - ATM_REFRAC);
/// Representation of various times of day in the solar cycle
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum SolarTime {
Noon = 0,
impl SolarTime {
pub fn iterator() -> impl Iterator<Item = SolarTime> {
fn generate_time_angles() -> HashMap<SolarTime, f64> {
let mut ret: HashMap<SolarTime, f64> = HashMap::new();
(-90.0 + ASTRO_TWILIGHT_ELEV).to_radians(),
(-90.0 + NAUT_TWILIGHT_ELEV).to_radians(),
(-90.0 + CIVIL_TWILIGHT_ELEV).to_radians(),
ret.insert(SolarTime::Sunrise, (-90.0 + DAYTIME_ELEV).to_radians());
ret.insert(SolarTime::Noon, 0.0_f64.to_radians());
ret.insert(SolarTime::Sunset, (90.0 - DAYTIME_ELEV).to_radians());
(90.0 - CIVIL_TWILIGHT_ELEV).to_radians(),
(90.0 - NAUT_TWILIGHT_ELEV).to_radians(),
(90.0 - ASTRO_TWILIGHT_ELEV).to_radians(),
/// Calculates the Unix epoch from a Julian day
/// - jd: a Julian day
fn epoch_from_jd(jd: f64) -> f64 {
86400.0 * (jd - 2440587.5)
/// Calculates the Julian day from a Unix epoch
/// - t: a Unix epoch in seconds
fn jd_from_epoch(t: f64) -> f64 {
(t / 86400.0) + 2440587.5
/// Calculates the number of Julian centuries since J2000.0 from a Julian day
/// - jd: a Julian day
fn jcent_from_jd(jd: f64) -> f64 {
(jd - 2451545.0) / 36525.0
/// Calculates a Julian day from the number of Julian centuries since J2000.0
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
fn jd_from_jcent(t: f64) -> f64 {
36525.0 * t + 2451545.0
/// Calculates the geometric mean longitude of the sun (in radians).
/// The mean logitude of the sun is the ecliptic longitude at wich it would be
/// if its orbit was perfectly circular
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
fn sun_geom_mean_lon(t: f64) -> f64 {
let ret: f64 = 280.46646 + t * (36000.76983 + t * 0.0003032);
/// Calculates the geometric mean anomaly of the sun (in radians).
/// The mean anomaly is the fraction of the sun's period that has elapsed
/// since the sun passed periapsis
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
fn sun_geom_mean_anomaly(t: f64) -> f64 {
let ret: f64 = 357.52911 + t * (35999.05029 - t * 0.0001537);
/// Calculates the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit:
/// returns a parameter from 0 to 1 that determines the amount by which
/// its orbit around the sun deviates from a perfect circle
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
fn earth_orbit_eccentricity(t: f64) -> f64 {
0.016708634 - t * (0.000042037 + t * 0.0000001267)
/// Calculates the result of the equation of the center for the sun's orbit,
/// which consists in the difference between the sun's position in its elliptical orbit and
/// its position in a circular one, or just the difference between true anomaly and mean anomaly
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
fn sun_equation_of_center(t: f64) -> f64 {
let ma: f64 = sun_geom_mean_anomaly(t);
let center: f64 = ma.sin() * (1.914602 - t * (0.004817 + 0.000014 * t))
+ (ma * 2.0).sin() * (0.019993 - 0.000101 * t)
+ (ma * 3.0).sin() * 0.000289;
// Calculates the true longitude of the sun in the elliptical orbit
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
fn sun_true_lon(t: f64) -> f64 {
sun_geom_mean_lon(t) + sun_equation_of_center(t)
/// Calculates the apparent longitude of the sun (right ascension)
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
fn sun_apparent_lon(t: f64) -> f64 {
let term: f64 = 125.04 - 1934.136 * t;
let true_lon: f64 = sun_true_lon(t);
let ret: f64 = true_lon.to_degrees() - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * term.to_radians().sin();
/// Calculates the mean obliquity/axial tilt of the Earth's orbit
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
fn mean_ecliptic_obliquity(t: f64) -> f64 {
let sec: f64 = 21.448 - t * (46.815 + t * (0.00059 - t * 0.001813));
let ret: f64 = 23.0 + (26.0 + (sec / 60.0)) / 60.0;
/// Calculates the corrected obliquity/axial tilt of the Earth's orbit
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
fn obliquity_corrected(t: f64) -> f64 {
let e_0: f64 = mean_ecliptic_obliquity(t);
let omega: f64 = 125.04 - t * 1934.136;
let ret: f64 = e_0.to_degrees() + (0.00256 * omega.to_radians().cos());
/// Calculates the declination (in radians) of the sun's orbit
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
fn solar_declination(t: f64) -> f64 {
let e: f64 = obliquity_corrected(t);
let lambda: f64 = sun_apparent_lon(t);
let ret: f64 = e.sin() * lambda.sin();
/// Calculates the difference (in minutes) between true solar time and mean solar time
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
fn equation_of_time(t: f64) -> f64 {
let epsilon: f64 = obliquity_corrected(t);
let l_0: f64 = sun_geom_mean_lon(t);
let e: f64 = earth_orbit_eccentricity(t);
let m: f64 = sun_geom_mean_anomaly(t);
let y: f64 = (epsilon / 2.0).tan().powi(2);
let eq_result: f64 = y * (l_0 * 2.0).sin() - 2.0 * e * m.sin()
+ 4.0 * e * y * m.sin() * (l_0 * 2.0).cos()
- 0.5 * y.powi(2) * (l_0 * 4.0).sin()
- 1.25 * e.powi(2) * (m * 2.0).sin();
4.0 * eq_result.to_degrees()
/// Calculates the hour angle (in radians) at the location for the given angular elevation.
/// - lat: Latitude of location in degrees
/// - decl: Declination in radians
/// - elev: Angular elevation angle in radians
fn hour_angle_from_elevation(lat: f64, decl: f64, elev: f64) -> f64 {
let term: f64 = (elev.abs().cos() - lat.to_radians().sin() * decl.sin())
/ (lat.to_radians().cos() * decl.cos());
let omega: f64 = term.acos();
/// Calculates the hour angle (in radians) at the location for the given angular elevation.
/// - lat: Latitude of location in degrees
/// - decl: Declination in radians
/// - ha: Hour angle in radians
fn elevation_from_hour_angle(lat: f64, decl: f64, ha: f64) -> f64 {
let ret: f64 =
ha.cos() * lat.to_radians().cos() * decl.cos() + lat.to_radians().sin() * decl.sin();
/// Calculates the time of apparent solar noon of a location on Earth.
/// Returns the time difference from mean solar midnight in minutes.
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
/// - lon: Longitude of location in degrees
fn time_of_solar_noon(t: f64, lon: f64) -> f64 {
// First pass uses approximate solar noon to calculate equation of time.
let t_noon: f64 = jcent_from_jd(jd_from_jcent(t) - lon / 360.0);
let eq_time: f64 = equation_of_time(t_noon);
let sol_noon: f64 = 720.0 - 4.0 * lon - eq_time;
// Recalculate using new solar noon
let t_noon_adj: f64 = jcent_from_jd(jd_from_jcent(t) - 0.5 + sol_noon / 1440.0);
let eq_time_adj: f64 = equation_of_time(t_noon_adj);
let sol_noon_adj: f64 = 720.0 - 4.0 * lon - eq_time_adj;
/// Calculates the time of given apparent solar angular elevation of location on earth.
/// Returns the time difference from mean solar midnight in minutes.
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
/// - t_noon: Apparent solar noon in Julian centuries since J2000.0
/// - lat: Latitude of location in degrees
/// - lon: Longtitude of location in degrees
/// - elev: Solar angular elevation in radians
fn time_of_solar_elevation(t: f64, t_noon: f64, lat: f64, lon: f64, elev: f64) -> f64 {
// First pass uses approximate sunrise to calculate equation of time
let eq_time: f64 = equation_of_time(t_noon);
let sol_decl: f64 = solar_declination(t_noon);
let ha: f64 = hour_angle_from_elevation(lat, sol_decl, elev);
let sol_offset: f64 = 720.0 - 4.0 * (lon + ha.to_degrees()) - eq_time;
// Recalculate using new sunrise
let t_rise: f64 = jcent_from_jd(jd_from_jcent(t) + sol_offset / 1440.0);
let eq_time_adj: f64 = equation_of_time(t_rise);
let sol_decl_adj: f64 = solar_declination(t_rise);
let ha_adj: f64 = hour_angle_from_elevation(lat, sol_decl_adj, elev);
let sol_offset_adj: f64 = 720.0 - 4.0 * (lon + ha_adj.to_degrees()) - eq_time_adj;
/// Calculates the solar angular elevation (in radians) at the given location and time.
/// - t: Julian centuries since J2000.0
/// - lat: Latitude of location
/// - lon: Longitude of location
fn solar_elevation_from_time(t: f64, lat: f64, lon: f64) -> f64 {
// Minutes from midnight
let jd: f64 = jd_from_jcent(t);
let offset: f64 = (jd - jd.round() - 0.5) * 1440.0;
let eq_time: f64 = equation_of_time(t);
let decl: f64 = solar_declination(t);
let ha: f64 = ((720.0 - offset - eq_time) / 4.0 - lon).to_radians();
elevation_from_hour_angle(lat, decl, ha)
/// Calculates the solar angular elevation (in degrees) at the given location and time.
/// - date: Seconds since unix epoch
/// - lat: Latitude of location
/// - lon: Longitude of location
/// - Return: Solar angular elevation in degrees
pub fn solar_elevation(date: f64, lat: f64, lon: f64) -> f64 {
let jd: f64 = jd_from_epoch(date);
let ret: f64 = solar_elevation_from_time(jcent_from_jd(jd), lat, lon);
// Generates a `Map<SolarTime, f64>` which contains for all solar events the epoch (seconds)
/// at which they will occur, given the current date, latitude and longitude
/// - date: Seconds since unix epoch
/// - lat: Latitude of location
/// - lon: Longitude of location
pub fn solar_timetable(date: f64, lat: f64, lon: f64) -> HashMap<SolarTime, f64> {
let mut ret: HashMap<SolarTime, f64> = HashMap::new();
let angles: HashMap<SolarTime, f64> = generate_time_angles();
// Calculate Julian day
let jd = jd_from_epoch(date);
// Calculate Julian century
let jdn: f64 = jd.round();
let t: f64 = jcent_from_jd(jdn);
// Calculate apparent solar noon
let sol_noon: f64 = time_of_solar_noon(t, lon);
let j_noon: f64 = jdn - 0.5 + sol_noon / 1440.0;
let t_noon: f64 = jcent_from_jd(j_noon);
// Calulate absoute time of other phenomena
for st in SolarTime::iterator() {
let angle: f64 = angles.get(&st).unwrap_or(&0.0).to_owned();
let offset: f64 = time_of_solar_elevation(t, t_noon, lat, lon, angle);
ret.insert(st, epoch_from_jd(jdn - 0.5 + offset / 1440.0));
// Insert solar noon
ret.insert(SolarTime::Noon, epoch_from_jd(j_noon));
// Calculate solar midnight
ret.insert(SolarTime::Midnight, epoch_from_jd(j_noon + 0.5));
/// This function takes LAT LONG as input
/// and returns the sunrise and sunset local times of the place
pub fn get_sunrise_sunset(lat : f64, lon : f64) {
// Get the UNIX time
let unixtime = chrono::DateTime::timestamp(&chrono::offset::Utc::now());
// Get the times of major events
let tt = solar_timetable(unixtime as f64, lat, lon);
// Index into the HashMap using SolarTime Enum
let sunrise = unix_to_normal_time(tt.get(&SolarTime::Sunset).unwrap().round() as i64);
let sunset = unix_to_normal_time(tt.get(&SolarTime::Sunset).unwrap().round() as i64);
// Return tuple of sunsrise and sunset times
(sunset, sunrise)
/// This function converts UNIX seconds to
/// a human readable string time
fn unix_to_normal_time(time : i64) -> String {
let naive = chrono::NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(time, 0);
let datetime: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc> = chrono::DateTime::from_utc(naive, chrono::Utc);
let converted: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Local> = chrono::DateTime::from(datetime);
let newdate = converted.format("%H:%M:%S").to_string();
// Return the time in string type
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