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Last active July 5, 2019 07:25
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my .swiftlint.yml configuration
disabled_rules: # rule identifiers to exclude from running
- line_length
- todo
- trailing_whitespace
- identifier_name
- void_return
- colon
- notification_center_detachment
- discarded_notification_center_observer
- type_name
- switch_case_alignment
- sorted_first_last
- contains_over_first_not_nil
# - explicit_top_level_acl
- empty_count
- closure_spacing
# - explicit_type_interface
- fatal_error_message
- first_where
- force_unwrapping
- implicit_return
- implicitly_unwrapped_optional
- no_extension_access_modifier
- operator_usage_whitespace
- overridden_super_call
# - private_outlet
- redundant_nil_coalescing
# - switch_case_on_newline
- vertical_parameter_alignment_on_call
excluded: # paths to ignore during linting. overridden by `included`.
- Carthage
- Pods
- fastlane
- R.generated.swift
# parameterized rules can be customized from this configuration file
# first line is warning, second is error
- 700
- 1000
- 230
- 250
# parameterized rules are first parameterized as a warning level, then error level.
- 150
- 200
- 300
- 400
# naming rules can set warnings/errors for min_length and max_length
# additionally they can set excluded names
min_length: 3 # only warning
max_length: # warning and error
warning: 40
error: 50
excluded: iPhone # excluded via string
min_length: # only min_length
error: 4 # only error
excluded: # excluded via string array
- id
- GlobalAPIKey
reporter: "html" # reporter type (xcode, json, csv, checkstyle, junit, html, emoji)
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