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Last active December 17, 2015 06:28
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Save vinothchandar/5565054 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Postgres K-V store supporting radius searches
package postgres;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.postgis.Point;
import org.postgresql.PGConnection;
class GeoKey {
private Double lat;
private Double lon;
private String context;
private Double radius;
GeoKey setRadius(double radius){
this.radius = radius;
return this;
GeoKey setLat(double lat){ = lat;
return this;
GeoKey setLon(double lon){
this.lon = lon;
return this;
GeoKey setContext(String context){
this.context = context;
return this;
Double getLat(){
Double getLon(){
return this.lon;
String getContext(){
return this.context;
Double getRadius(){
return this.radius;
public class PostgresStore {
Connection conn;
PreparedStatement insertStatement;
PreparedStatement updateStatement;
PreparedStatement getStatement;
PreparedStatement deleteStatement;
PreparedStatement radiusQueryStatement;
String tableName;
PostgresStore(String hostName, String dbName, int port, String user, String pass, String tableName) throws Exception {
this.tableName = tableName;
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("user", user);
props.setProperty("password", pass);
conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://"+hostName+":"+ port+"/"+dbName, props);
// create the table if it does not exist already...
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
s.execute("CREATE TABLE if not exists "+ this.tableName +"(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, geokey GEOGRAPHY(POINT,4326), context varchar(1024), value bytea);");
insertStatement = conn.prepareStatement("insert into "+tableName+"(geokey, context, value) values(ST_GeographyFromText(?),?,?)");
getStatement = conn.prepareStatement("select value from "+ this.tableName+" where geokey = ST_GeographyFromText(?) and context = ?");
radiusQueryStatement = conn.prepareStatement("select ST_AsText(geokey) as geokey, value from "+ this.tableName +
" where ST_DWithin(geokey, ST_GeographyFromText(?),?);");
updateStatement = conn.prepareStatement("update "+ tableName+" set value = ? where geokey = ST_GeographyFromText(?) and context = ?");
* If geoKey contains a radius, perform a bounding box search around the lat, lon in the key.
* Else, the context has to be non-null and perform a exact fetch
* @param key
* @return
* @throws Exception
public List<byte[]> get(GeoKey key) throws Exception {
if (key.getRadius() != null){
// getAll fits better since you need keys also
return radiusSearch(key);
} else if (key.getClass() != null){
return exactQuery(key);
return new ArrayList<byte[]>(0);
private List<byte[]> radiusSearch(GeoKey key){
List<byte[]> vals = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
try {
radiusQueryStatement.setString(1, new Point(key.getLat(), key.getLon()).toString());
radiusQueryStatement.setDouble(2, key.getRadius());
ResultSet rs = radiusQueryStatement.executeQuery();
while ({
} catch (SQLException e) {
return vals;
private List<byte[]> exactQuery(GeoKey key){
List<byte[]> vals = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
try {
getStatement.setString(1, new Point(key.getLat(), key.getLon()).toString());
getStatement.setString(2, key.getContext());
ResultSet rs = getStatement.executeQuery();
while ({
} catch (SQLException e) {
return vals;
* Writes the given value to storage based on the following.
* Update if a data point with the triplet {lat, lon, context} already exists. :
* Insert/Add the geoKey, value to storage if
* @param key
* @param value
* @throws Exception
public void put(GeoKey key, byte[] value) throws Exception {
List<byte[]> vals = exactQuery(key);
if (vals.size() > 0){
// do an update
updateStatement.setBytes(1, value);
updateStatement.setString(2, new Point(key.getLat(), key.getLon()).toString());
updateStatement.setString(3, key.getContext());
} else {
// do an insert
insertStatement.setString(1, new Point(key.getLat(), key.getLon()).toString());
insertStatement.setString(2, key.getContext());
insertStatement.setBytes(3, value);
public void delete(double lat, double lon) throws Exception {
public void dumpTable() throws Exception {
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet r = s.executeQuery("select ST_AsText(geokey) as geokey from "+ tableName);
while( ) {
Point point = new Point(r.getString(1));
System.out.println(point.getX()+","+ point.getY());
public void close() throws Exception {
if (conn != null)
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
PostgresStore pgStore = new PostgresStore("localhost", "voldemort_spatial", 5432, "postgres-user", "postgress-pass", "spatialtest");
pgStore.put(new GeoKey().setLat(10.2).setLon(11.2).setContext("user1"), "hello postgis".getBytes());
pgStore.put(new GeoKey().setLat(10.2).setLon(11.2).setContext("user1"), "hello postgis1".getBytes());
GeoKey key2 = new GeoKey().setLat(10.2).setLon(11.2).setContext("user2");
pgStore.put(key2, "hello postgis2".getBytes());
pgStore.put(new GeoKey().setLat(20.2).setLon(80.2).setContext("user3"), "hello postgis3".getBytes());
pgStore.put(new GeoKey().setLat(20.2).setLon(80.2).setContext("user4"), "hello postgis4".getBytes());
System.out.println("get test : "+ new String(pgStore.get(key2).get(0)));
GeoKey radiusKey = new GeoKey().setLat(1.0).setLon(1.0).setRadius(10000000);
for (byte[] val : pgStore.get(radiusKey)){
System.out.println("Radius test : "+ new String(val));
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