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Created March 17, 2016 16:08
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Script to interact with MongoDB using pymongo driver
# Python 2.7.6
Test script to connect to MongoDB collections using pymongo library
Connects to an already imported connection named "restaurants"
source -
from pymongo import MongoClient, ASCENDING, DESCENDING
from datetime import datetime
# create a connection
# If no parameters passed assumes localhost and port 27017
client = MongoClient()
# connect to MongoDB database
db = client.test
# db = client["test"] # This is also valid
# Connect to a collection
restaurants = db.restaurants
# coll = db["restaurants"] # This is also valid
# Query all the documents in collection
cursor1 = restaurants.find() # returns pymongo.cursor.Cursor type
# cursor = db.restaurants.find() # This is also valid
# Query documents with filter criteria
cursor2 = restaurants.find({"borough": "Manhattan"})
# Query documents by a field in embedded document
cursor3 = restaurants.find({"address.zipcode": "10075"})
""" Conditional Operators
greater than - $gt
less than - $lt
OR - key as "$or" and value as List of dicts
AND - One dict with multiple keys
# Querying using an operator
cursor4 = restaurants.find({"grades.score": {"$gt": 30}})
# Logical AND - one dict with multiple keys
cursor5 = restaurants.find({"cuisine": "Italian", "address.zipcode": "10075"})
# Logical OR - key as "$or" and value as List of dicts
cursor6 = restaurants.find({"$or": [{"cuisine": "Italian"},
{"address.zipcode": "10075"}]})
""" Sorting queried data
use sort() method
pass sort parameters as list of tuples
ascending - pymongo.ASCENDING
descending - pymongo.DESCENDING
cursor7 = restaurants.find({"cuisine": "Indian"}).sort([
("borough", ASCENDING), # pymongo.ASCENDING
("grades.score", DESCENDING)]) # pymongo.DESCENDING
# Iterate the cursor and print all the documents
for document in cursor7:
print (document) # returns a dict variable
insert one document - insert_one()
insert many documents - insert_many()
record = {
"address": {
"street": "2 Avenue",
"zipcode": "10075",
"building": "1480",
"coord": [-73.9557413, 40.7720266]
"borough": "Manhattan",
"cuisine": "Italian",
"grades": [
"date": datetime.strptime("2014-10-01", "%Y-%m-%d"),
"grade": "A",
"score": 11
"date": datetime.strptime("2014-01-16", "%Y-%m-%d"),
"grade": "B",
"score": 17
"name": "Vella",
"restaurant_id": "41704620"
result = restaurants.insert_one(record)
print type(result) # <class 'pymongo.results.InsertOneResult'>
print result.inserted_id
update one document - update_one()
update many documents - update_many()
Replace an entire document, except for _id - replace_one()
Update parameters
- filter document (similar to query data)
- update document (with update operators)
- Optional upsert parameter
update operators -
# To update an embedded field from the first matched document
update_result = restaurants.update_one(
{"restaurant_id": "41156888"}, # Filter document
{"$set": {"address.street": "East 32nd street"}} # update document
print update_result.matched_count
print update_result.modified_count
print type(update_result) # <class 'pymongo.results.UpdateResult'>
# Update multiple documents
update_result2 = restaurants.update_many(
{"address.zipcode": "10016", "cuisine": "Other"}, # Filter documet
"$set": {"cuisine": "Category to be determined"},
"$currentDate": {"lastModified": True}
} # update document
print update_result2.matched_count
print update_result2.modified_count
print type(update_result2) # <class 'pymongo.results.UpdateResult'>
delete single document - delete_one()
delete mulitple documents - delete_many()
to drop a collection - restaurants.drop()
delete_result = restaurants.delete_many({"borough": "Manhattan"})
print delete_result.deleted_count
print type(delete_result) # <class 'pymongo.results.DeleteResult'>
To aggregate data (such as grouping or total or count) - aggregate()
each stage is processed sequentially
# Group documents and calculate count
agg_cursor = restaurants.aggregate(
{"$group": {"_id": "$borough", # Group by "borough" field
"count": {"$sum": 1}}} # count by "$sum" accumulator
for document in agg_cursor:
print (document)
# Filter and group documents
agg_cursor2 = restaurants.aggregate(
{"$match": {"borough": "Queens", "cuisine": "Brazilian"}},
{"$group": {"_id": "$address.zipcode", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}
for document in agg_cursor2:
print (document)
""" Indexing Data """
to create single index or compound index - create_index()
index is automatically created for _id
only creates index if index does not exist
# To create a single index
idx = restaurants.create_index([("cuisine", ASCENDING)])
print idx # cuisine_1
print type(idx) # <type 'unicode'>
# To create a compound index
idx2 = restaurants.create_index([
("cuisine", ASCENDING),
("address.zipcode", DESCENDING)
print idx2 # cuisine_1_address.zipcode_-1
print type(idx2) # <type 'unicode'>
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