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Last active October 28, 2018 08:48
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hello, world SBC8088 uPD7201 Channel A polling version
; SBC8088 terminal test program
; 7201 Channel A polling version
; Assembler:
RAM equ 0000h ;0000h..7fffh
ROM equ 8000h ;8000h..0ffffh
STACK equ 8000h ;stack top
REGAD equ 0C0h ;7201 channel A data register
REGAC equ 0C1h ;7201 channel A control register
org ROM
; channel A command chain
chacmd db 02h ;select WR2
db 01000000b ;RxINT mask
db 04h ;select WR4
db 01000101b ;x16, 1stop bit
db 01h ;select WR1
db 00000000b ;TxINT mask
db 05h ;select WR5
db 11101010b ;8bit, TxD enable
db 03h ;select WR3
db 11000001b ;8bit, RxD enable
chacln equ 10
; message
hello db 13, 10, 'hello, world', 13, 10, 0
; al -> 7201
putch: push ax ;save data
pcst1: in al,REGAC ;get status
and al,04h ;check TxBUF enpty
jz pcst1 ;wait for empty
pop ax ;restore data
out (REGAD),al ;transfer
; 7201 -> al
getch: in al,REGAC ;get status
and al,01h ;check TxBUF enpty
jz getch ;wait for empty
in al,REGAD ;receive
; put string
puts: cld ;set DF for SI increment
ptst1: lodsb ;get data to AL and SI++
cmp al,00h ;check tail
jz ptst2 ;if tail, return
call putch ;display a charactor
jmp ptst1 ;loop until tail
ptst2: ret
; start
start: cli ;desable interrupt
mov ax,cs ;set com model
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ss,ax
mov sp,STACK ;set stack
; channel A setup
mov dx,REGAC ;set port number
mov al,00011000b ;reset
out dx,al
cld ;set DF for SI increment
mov si,offset chacmd ;set commnd top
mov cx,chacln ;set commnd length
;rep outsb ;out commnds
db 0f3h,6eh ;alternate
; display hello, world
mov si,offset hello ;set message top
call puts ;display message
; keyin and echo
loop: call getch
call putch
jmp loop
; reset
org 0fff0h
db 0eah ;jmp
dw start ;offset
dw 0000h ;segment
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