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Last active November 18, 2016 00:14
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rewrite of the users cookbook
"id": "212477770",
"comment": "212477770",
"home": "/home/212477770",
"action": "remove",
"shell": "/bin/bash",
"ssh_keys": [
"ssh-rsa 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 212477770@SFO1212477770M"
"groups": [
"access_to_regions": ["US", "EU", "APAC", "kitchen"]
# Cookbook Name:: svops_exportc_usermgmt_linux
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright 2016, YOUR_COMPANY_NAME
# All rights reserved - Do Not Redistribute
# loading ge_chef-vault recipe - may not be necessary.
include_recipe 'geip_chef_vault'
users_db_name = 'users'
users_vault_name = 'users_secrets'
db = data_bag(users_db_name)
# not using the users cookbook because it's a mess of a cookbook.
db.each do |username|
user = data_bag_item(users_db_name, username)
# skip user if he hasnt been granted access to environment, he'll fail decrypting the vault anyway
next unless user['access_to_regions'].include?(node['region'])
# If user does not have access to the Region, he will not/should not have access to the Vault
user_secrets = get_vault_item(users_vault_name, username)
# Set home to location in data bag,
# or a reasonable default ($home_basedir/$user).
home_basedir = '/home'
# home_dir = (user['home'] ? user['home'] : "#{home_basedir}/#{username}") #if defined?(user['home'])
home_dir = defined?(user['home']) ? user['home'] : "#{home_basedir}/#{username}" #if defined?(user['home'])
# Not currently in use - no edgecase for this (yet)
# check whether home dir is null
# manage_home = (home_dir == '/dev/null' ? false : true)
# not necessary
# creating or deleting group
# group username do
# gid user['gid'] if user['gid']
# action user['action']
# end
# creating or deleting users
user "managing user per data_bag - #{username} - #{user['action']}" do
username username
action user['action']
## other parameters on create
uid user['uid'] if user['uid']
gid user['gid'] if user['gid']
shell user['shell'] if user['shell']
comment user['comment'] if user['comment']
password user_secrets['secrets']['linux_shadow_password'] if user_secrets['secrets']['linux_shadow_password'] && user_secrets['console_access'] == true
salt user['salt'] if user['salt']
manage_home user['manage_home'] if user['manage_home']
home user['home'] if user['home']
# creating or cleaning up user folder structure
directory "#{home_dir}/.ssh" do
recursive true
owner user['uid'] # ? validate_id(u['uid']) : u['username']
group user['gid'] if user['gid']
mode '0700'
only_if { user['ssh_keys'] || user['ssh_private_key'] || user['ssh_public_key'] }
template "#{home_dir}/.ssh/authorized_keys" do
source 'authorized_keys.erb'
# cookbook new_resource.cookbook
owner user['uid'] # ? validate_id(u['uid']) : u['username'] # i dont understand the benefit of this method
group user['gid'] #validate_id(u['gid']) if u['gid'] # i dont understand the benefit of this method
mode '0600'
variables ssh_keys: user['ssh_keys']
# only_if { defined?(user['ssh_keys']) } # not sure which implementation is best
only_if { user['ssh_keys'] }
# not implemented because public keys shouldnt be sent as unencrypted data
if user['ssh_private_key']
raise "public keys should not be transmitted as clear text"
# u['ssh_public_key'] # not implemented
user['groups'].each do |group|
group "managing user for group - #{group} - #{user['action']}" do
group_name group
members username if user['action'] != 'delete'
# action username['action'] == 'delete' ? :delete : :manage # use whatever's in the databag
action :manage
excluded_members username if user['action'] == 'delete'
append true
#sudo -E /opt/chef/bin/chef-client --local-mode --config /tmp/kitchen/client.rb --log_level auto --force-formatter --no-color --json-attributes /tmp/kitchen/dna.json --chef-zero-port 8889
"id": "212477770",
"linux_shadow_password": "$1$WvaIpOFs$7xf3o6wupY.Vpo1unUI9Y0",
"windows_clearpass": "Password123",
"console_access": true
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