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Created May 23, 2018 21:55
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Creating HMAC auth header in ruby for use in HTTParty header
require 'base64'
def auth_header(path: nil, method: 'get', body: nil)
date =
# ORDERED list of headers in request to be signed
auth_headers = 'host date'
if ['put', 'post'].include? method.downcase
auth_headers += ' content-type content-length'
# The complete request, with headers in correct order, to be HMAC'd
dataToSign = "(request-target): #{method.downcase} #{@url}#{path}\n" +
"host: #{@host}\n" +
"date: #{date}";
# If we're sending a body, content type and length are required
if ['put', 'post'].include? method.downcase
dataToSign += "\ncontent-type: application/json\n" +
"content-length: #{body.length}\n" +
# HMAC and base64 encode, then build the auth header
hmac = Base64.strict_encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha256'), @api_secret, dataToSign))
authorization = "Signature keyId=\"#{@api_key}\",algorithm=\"hmac-sha256\",headers=\"(request-target) #{auth_headers}\",signature=\"#{hmac}\""
# Minimum required headers
headers =
'Host' => @host,
'Date' => date
# Additional headers required when sending a request body
if ['put', 'post'].include? method.downcase
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Content-Length' => "#{body.length}"
# Auth header has to be last, order matters to HMAC signing
headers.merge!({'Authorization' => authorization})
# Working Curl CLI for reference/test
# exec 'curl -Iv -X GET -H "User-Agent:" -H "Accept:" -H "Date: ' + date + '" -H "Authorization: ' + authorization + '" ' + @url + 'groups'
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