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Last active June 15, 2017 00:06
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- name: "Create Launch Configuration, ELB, Auto-Scaling group and rolling update of AMI"
hosts: localhost
- aws
- AMI: ami-xxxxxx
- region: us-east-1
- app: "coolapp"
- security_groups:
- sg-xxxxx
- subnets:
- subnet-xxxxx
- new_lc: "{{app}}-{{ AMI }}"
- min_instances: 2
- desired_instances: 2
- max_instances: 4
- instances_type: t2.small
- iam_profile: "your_instance_iam_profile"
- name: Get all the Auto Scaling Groups from awscli
shell: aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups
register: asg_output
- name: Get all the instances handled by an Auto Scalling Groups from awscli
shell: aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances
register: asg_instances_output
- name: Initialize the current Launch Configration and Auto Scaling Group to Null
current_lc: null # this necessary for the first update when the ASG doesn't exist
current_asg: null
running_instances: 0
- name: Find all the matching Auto Scaling Group
asg_list: "{{ (asg_output.stdout
| from_json)['AutoScalingGroups']
| selectattr('AutoScalingGroupName', 'equalto', app)
| list }}"
- name: Find current Auto Scaling Group and Launch Configuration
current_asg: "{{ (asg_list | first)['AutoScalingGroupName'] }}"
current_lc: "{{ (asg_list | first)['LaunchConfigurationName'] }}"
when: asg_list | length > 0
- name: Check if Launch Configuration needs to be updated
update_lc: "{{ new_lc != current_lc }}"
- name: Get Running instances in the Current Auto Scaling Group
running_instances: "{{ (asg_instances_output.stdout
| from_json)['AutoScalingInstances']
| selectattr('AutoScalingGroupName', 'equalto', current_asg)
| list
| length }}"
when: current_asg and update_lc
- name: Update desired instances if more instances are currently running
desired_instances: "{{ running_instances }}"
when: running_instances > desired_instances and update_lc
- name: Describe Launch configuration
shell: aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups
register: asg_output
- name: Create or Update Elastic Load Balancer
region: us-east-1
name: "{{ app }}"
state: present
connection_draining_timeout: 120
scheme: internal
security_group_ids: "{{ security_groups }}"
subnets: "{{ subnets }}"
- protocol: http
load_balancer_port: 80
instance_port: 80
ping_protocol: tcp
ping_port: 80
response_timeout: 29
interval: 30
unhealthy_threshold: 4
healthy_threshold: 2
- name: Create Launch Configuration
name: "{{ new_lc }}"
region: "{{ region }}"
image_id: "{{ AMI }}"
security_groups: "{{ security_groups }}"
instance_type: "{{ instances_type }}"
instance_profile_name: "{{ iam_profile }}"
when: update_lc
- name: Create or Update Auto Scalling Group
name: "{{ app }}"
region: "{{ region }}"
launch_config_name: "{{ new_lc }}"
health_check_period: 300
health_check_type: ELB
desired_capacity: "{{ desired_instances }}"
min_size: 2
max_size: 10
vpc_zone_identifier: "{{ vpc_subnets.subnets|map(attribute='id')|list }}"
load_balancers: "{{ app }}"
replace_all_instances: true
wait_for_instances: true
when: update_lc
- name: Delete Old Launch Configuration
name: "{{current_lc}}"
state: absent
region: "{{ region }}"
when: update_lc and current_lc # current_lc is now the old launch config
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