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Last active December 12, 2022 16:34
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Brutal straightforward computation of minimal distance between words in binary cyclic code. It usually should not be run.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.List ((\\), union, sort)
import Data.Foldable
import Debug.Trace
type N = Int
type Mono = Int
type IndexCode = Int
multMonomials :: Mono -> Mono -> Mono
multMonomials = (+)
divMonomial :: Mono -> Mono -> Mono
divMonomial a b = if a > b
then a - b
else 0
newtype Poly = Poly {unPoly :: [Mono]}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
symmDiff :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
symmDiff a b = (a \\ b) `union` (b \\ a)
reduce :: Poly -> Poly
reduce (Poly []) = Poly []
reduce (Poly [a]) = Poly [a]
reduce (Poly (a:b:as)) = if a == b
then reduce $ Poly as
else Poly $ a : (unPoly . reduce $ Poly (b:as))
instance Num Poly where
Poly lst1 + Poly lst2 = Poly (lst1 `symmDiff` lst2)
Poly [] * _ = Poly []
_ * Poly [] = Poly []
(Poly a) * (Poly b) = reduce . Poly . sort $ mconcat $ map (\m -> map (multMonomials m) b) a
abs = id
signum _ = Poly [0]
negate a = a
fromInteger _ = Poly [0]
maxDegreeMonomial :: Poly -> Mono
maxDegreeMonomial (Poly []) = 0
maxDegreeMonomial (Poly l) = maximum l
divModSingleton :: Poly -> Poly -> Mono
divModSingleton p1 p2 = divMonomial (maxDegreeMonomial p1) (maxDegreeMonomial p2)
divModStep :: (Poly, Poly) -> Poly -> (Poly, Poly)
divModStep (resAccum, p1) p2 = (multiple + resAccum, p1 - p2*multiple)
where multiple = Poly [divModSingleton p1 p2]
degreePoly :: Poly -> Int
degreePoly = maxDegreeMonomial
residueCondition :: Poly -> Poly -> Bool
residueCondition p1 p2 = degreePoly p1 < degreePoly p2
-- Direct recursion, hence it is probably the only place for optimization.
polyDivMod' :: (Poly, Poly) -> Poly -> (Poly, Poly)
polyDivMod' (pRes, p1) p2 = if residueCondition p1 p2
then (pRes,p1)
else polyDivMod' (divModStep (pRes, p1) p2) p2
polyDivMod :: Poly -> Poly -> (Poly, Poly)
polyDivMod p1 p2 = polyDivMod' (Poly [], p1) p2
polyDiv :: Poly -> Poly -> Poly
polyDiv a b = fst $ polyDivMod a b
polyMod :: Poly -> Poly -> Poly
polyMod a b = snd $ polyDivMod a b
rev :: Poly -> Poly
rev (Poly lst) = Poly (map (\a -> m - a) lst)
where m = maximum lst
phi30 :: Poly
phi30 = Poly [0..30]
extract :: IndexCode -> [Mono]
extract n = extract' n 0 []
extract' n pow accum = if n == 0
then accum
else extract' (n `div` 2) (pow+1) (accum ++ if n `mod` 2 == 1 then [pow] else [])
buildPoly :: IndexCode -> Poly
buildPoly = Poly . reverse . extract
allPolys :: N -> [Poly]
allPolys p = map buildPoly [0..2^p]
minimalDistance :: N -> Poly -> Int
minimalDistance n gen =
foldl' (\m poly -> min m ((\a -> if a == 0 then m else a) $ length (unPoly poly)))
n (filter (\p -> p `polyMod` gen == Poly []) $ allPolys n)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr "Insert modulus: "
n <- read <$> getLine
putStr "Insert list of degrees of generating polynomial (format [a,b,c]): "
a <- Poly . read <$> getLine
putStr "Minimal distance of code (is being computed): "
print $ minimalDistance n a
putStr "Minimal distance of dual code (is being computed): "
print $ minimalDistance n (rev $ polyDiv (Poly [0,31]) a)
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