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Created May 15, 2012 23:52
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recent supercollider tweets
#!/bin/env perl
use v5.12;
use HTTP::Tiny();
use JSON::XS();
use Try::Tiny;
use HTML::Entities 'decode_entities';
my @search_words = ('#supercollider', '#sc140', '#sc', qw(
Ndef Tdef Pbind SinOsc PMOsc LFSaw LFPulse Splay Pan2 LFNoise0 LFNoise1 LFNoise2 LFCub LFPar
LFTri Drand Ringz Dshuf Decay2 DelayN DelayL DelayC CombC GVerb FreeVerb VarSaw DynKlank DynKlang
my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new(timeout => 2);
say map {
decode_entities($_->{text} =~ s/(?<![\(\{])[\s\/]*#\S.+$|^(RT)?\s\@\S+\s//igmr)."\n";
} grep { $_->{text} =~ /\.play|play\s*\{/ } map {
my $r = $http->get(''.$http->www_form_urlencode({
q => 'play AND ('.join(' OR ', @search_words).') -rt',
result_type => 'recent',
rpp => 100,
page => $_
$r->{success} ? @{( try { JSON::XS->new->utf8->decode($r->{content})->{results}} catch { [] } )} : ();
} (1..2); # twitter responds only last week tweets and there are not many sc tweets, so query only 2 pages
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