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Last active December 19, 2015 07:48
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Save vjt/5920790 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extract a stored procedure's text off a Sybase database from the command line. Required tools: sqsh, GNU sed
# Poor man's defncopy implementation in Bourne Shell.
# Usage: ./ <sproc> <sqsh_options>
# Example: ./ foobar -S SERVER -U USER -P PASS -D DATABASE
# Description: Uses sqsh to invoke Sybase's sp_helptext that fetch a sproc
# definition from the system tables. Uses the "csv" output, that preserves
# whitespace, and feeds into sed to merge together different lines. Public
# Domain, do whatever you want with this. :-)
# Author: Marcello Barnaba <>
# - vjt Wed Jul 3 19:08:55 CEST 2013
shift 1
if [ -z "$sproc" -o $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <sproc> <sqsh options>"
exit 1
# Sanity checks
sqsh=$(which sqsh)
if ! [ -x "$sqsh" ]; then
echo "This script requires sqsh <>."
exit 2
sed=$(which sed)
if ! [ -x "$sed" ]; then
echo "This script requires sed(1)."
exit 3
if ! sed --version 2>&1 | grep -q '^GNU sed'; then
echo "This script requires GNU sed <>."
exit 4
# The actual code
echo -e "sp_helptext $sproc;" |\
$sqsh "$@" -m csv |\
$sed \
-e ':x;N;$!bx;s/"\n"//g' \
-e 's/"\(\nClock.*\)\?$//' \
-e 's/^# Lines of Text.*text\n"//'
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