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Created April 2, 2019 15:45
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2664 git checkout moveit2 -b kinematics-plugin-loader
2665 sudo cp -r /tmp/moveit2/moveit_ros/planning/kinematics_plugin_loader/ ./moveit_ros/planning/kinematics_plugin_loader/
2666 git status
2667 git add .
2668 git commit -m "kinematics_plugin_loader, port to ROS 2"
2669 git log
2670 git checkout master
2671 git cherry-pick 5fbe0bf9aae46394492f23869ae809b1d2173f08
2672 git status
2673 git add moveit_ros/planning/CMakeLists.txt
2674 git commit -m "Adapt CMakeLists.txt to compile submodule"
2675 git add .
2676 git commit -m "kinematics_plugin_loader, dependencies left"
2677 git lgo
2678 git log
2679 git cherry-pick kinematics-plugin-loader
2680 git status
2681 git cherry-pick --abort
2682 git log
2683 git checkout kinematics-plugin-loader
2684 git log
2685 git cherry-pick de068ad51b655378e94047ff6031a1aafcf5e8c2
2686 git log
2687 git push -u origin kinematics-plugin-loader
2688 history
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