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module type Ord =
type t
val lt : t -> t -> bool
val lte : t -> t -> bool
val eq : t -> t -> bool
module IntOrd : Ord with type t = int =
(* "comparable" interface *)
module type Ord =
type t
val lt : t -> t -> bool
val lte : t -> t -> bool
val eq : t -> t -> bool
(* implementation of Ord for integers *)
module Main
PosInt : Type
PosInt = Nat
data Inst : PosInt -> PosInt -> Type where
PUSH : (v:Int) -> Inst n (1 + n)
ADD : Inst (2 + n) (1 + n)
data Prog : PosInt -> PosInt -> Type where
module Main
-- Type for unit tests
Test : Bool -> Type
Test = so
-- ok has type (Test b), whenever b evaluates to True
ok : Test True
ok = oh
voila / depdate.hs
Last active February 21, 2020 15:42
module Date
-- leap year ?
leap : Integer -> Bool
leap year = (mod year 4 == 0) && ((mod year 400 == 0) || not (mod year 100 == 0))
-- number of days in month/year
days : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
days 2 year = if leap year then 29 else 28
days month _ = if month `List.elem` [4,6,9,11] then 30 else 31
10% {0,[]}
10% {0,[9,37,9,37]}
10% {3,[]}
10% {7,[-6,2,8,-31,56,5,-3,20,37,51,-21,4,-10,43,9,-61,16,-4,33,-6,2,8,-31,56,5,-3,20,37,51,-21,4,-10,43,9,-61,16,-4,33]}
10% {13,[14,6,3,-7,14,6,3,-7]}
voila / duplist.erl
Last active December 30, 2015 05:49
%% custom generator for lists of duplicates
duplist(Type) ->
L ++ L).
prop_delete6() ->
{integer(), duplist(integer())}, %% our custom generator
collect({X, L}, %% show us the X and L generated
not lists:member(X, delete_all(X, L)))).
4> proper:quickcheck(listdel:prop_delete3()).
OK: Passed 100 test(s).
5> proper:quickcheck(listdel:prop_delete3(), 1000).
delete_all(_, [], Acc) ->
delete_all(X, [X|Rest], Acc) ->
delete_all(X, Rest, Acc);
delete_all(X, [Y|Rest], Acc) ->
delete_all(X, Rest, [Y|Acc]).
voila / proper3
Last active December 30, 2015 05:19
27> proper:quickcheck(listdel:prop_delete3()).
Failed: After 24 test(s).
Shrinking ...(3 time(s))