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Chuck Lauer Vose vosechu

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vosechu / fake_wikis.goggle
Last active July 17, 2022 18:25
Brave goggle experiments
! name: Fake game "wikis" and other "esports" websites
! description: Removes "esports" websites that claim to be wikis or otherwise have nothing but fluff content
! public: false
! author: @vosechu
! Custom built sites that beat the more general wikis in some way
! General sites that actually _are_ wikis
vosechu / ALLPAIRS-params.js
Last active January 17, 2021 20:54
Gunbot 3.3.2 config
// Instructions for this file
// This file will provide the basis for all the more specific files. All the
// options set in here will be used by `config.js` files unless they're
// overridden in that file.
// If you want to affect all coins at once, edit this file; you don't need to
// reboot the bots though, they'll see that the config changed.
# Minimum vim commands
## Moving around
Arrows - they totally work
# Copy and paste some code
<number>dd - delete n lines
u - undo
p - paste
vosechu / sample 1
Last active August 20, 2018 23:54
Keybr samples
[high].collection *girl-["moment"] @clear management $company? sport (recent) #miss look[]-true together[]-score @baby? <experience> #card() yard @heavy().guess Technology? %shot soon_lead 'heart'.great[] maintain() will century.performance [impact] painting degree often floor Shake 'ability' growth cost!.thus 'form' culture .foreign[] according ["effort"] ["hair"] apply approach *reason()-seem blood Administration() { |piece| piece } method $science-none <indeed> around Democrat require Fight! today general.wish! "sign"-couple 'choice' travel network development morning-well 'affect' weapon find()_test() budget-Newspaper *pass* politics base{}-physical body story _thousand_.series support Firm 'safe' against [table]_^sometimes Common.especially civil #only ^cold? build @from_[:teach] &number that %allow?.indicate { |police| police }.%certainly state-finally Employee! picture among_Cause office()-thing "beautiful" standard{} They fail &what() (pressure) _something_ word Month.&without? $hosp
vosechu / config.js
Last active August 31, 2017 15:07
Gunbot 4.0.5 config
"pairs": {
"bittrex": {
"BTC-ETH": { "strategy":"stepgain", "override": { "BTC_TRADING_LIMIT": 0.04, "BUYLVL1": 0.5, "BUYLVL2": 0.5, "BUYLVL3": 70, "SELLLVL1": 0.2, "SELLLVL2": 0.2, "SELLLVL3": 70 } },
"BTC-EMC2": { "strategy":"stepgain", "override": { "BTC_TRADING_LIMIT": 0.02, "BUYLVL1": 1.0, "BUYLVL2": 1.0, "BUYLVL3": 70, "SELLLVL1": 0.5, "SELLLVL2": 0.5, "SELLLVL3": 70 } },
"BTC-FCT": { "strategy":"stepgain", "override": { "BTC_TRADING_LIMIT": 0.02, "BUYLVL1": 1.0, "BUYLVL2": 1.0, "BUYLVL3": 70, "SELLLVL1": 0.5, "SELLLVL2": 0.5, "SELLLVL3": 70 } },
"BTC-GEO": { "strategy":"stepgain", "override": { "BTC_TRADING_LIMIT": 0.02, "BUYLVL1": 1.0, "BUYLVL2": 1.0, "BUYLVL3": 70, "SELLLVL1": 0.5, "SELLLVL2": 0.5, "SELLLVL3": 70 } },
"BTC-KORE": { "strategy":"stepgain", "override": { "BTC_TRADING_LIMIT": 0.02, "BUYLVL1": 1.0, "BUYLVL2": 1.0, "BUYLVL3": 70, "SELLLVL1": 0.5, "SELLLVL2": 0.5, "SELLLVL3": 70 } },
"BTC-RLC": { "strategy":"stepgain", "override": { "BT
vosechu / config.js
Last active August 8, 2017 09:31
Gunbot v3.3.5 config
"pairs": {
"bittrex": {
"BTC-ANS" : { "strategy": "bb","override" : { }},
"BTC-ANT" : { "strategy": "bb","override" : { }},
"BTC-ARDR" : { "strategy": "bb","override" : { }},
"BTC-BAT" : { "strategy": "bb","override" : { }},
"BTC-BTS" : { "strategy": "bb","override" : { }},
"BTC-DASH" : { "strategy": "bb","override" : { }},
"BTC-DCR" : { "strategy": "bb","override" : { }},
vosechu / gist:4757887
Last active April 19, 2016 23:00
My Sublime config
"bold_folder_labels": true,
"caret_style": "wide",
"color_scheme": "Packages/User/SublimeLinter/Solarized (Light) (SL).tmTheme",
"detect_slow_plugins": false,
"dictionary": "Packages/Language - English/en_US.dic",
"draw_indent_guides": true,
"ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,
vosechu / Sublime Config
Last active April 19, 2016 22:57
Sublime Preferences
"bold_folder_labels": true,
"caret_style": "wide",
"color_scheme": "Packages/User/SublimeLinter/Solarized (Light) (SL).tmTheme",
"detect_slow_plugins": false,
"dictionary": "Packages/Language - English/en_US.dic",
"draw_indent_guides": true,
"ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": false,
vosechu / gist:6176479
Created August 7, 2013 17:39
Quick email class for Rebecca and Hakimu
class Email
def initialize
Pony.options = { :from => '', :via => :smtp, :via_options => { :host => '' } }
def self.email_admins
opts = {
:to => ['', ''],
:from => '',
:subject => 'hi',