- Learn how to start a new react native project
- Run it on ios simulator, on android emulator, on a real iPhone device and on a real Android device, with and without debugging enabled.
- Learn how to upgrade a react native project
- Learn how to add a package to the project
- Learn how to add a package that has a native dependency (https://github.com/airbnb/react-native-maps, https://github.com/evollu/react-native-fcm) - DO NOT USE COCOAPODS
- Learn how to use fetch to get data from your backend
- (https://github.com/exponent/ex-navigation#an-important-note-about-the-future)
- read this https://gist.github.com/knowbody/ce483742a1761658b767428a0ed35147
- Tab bar navigation (Sliding Tab navigation)
- Drawer navigation (drawer menu)
- Alert bar
- Setup a boilerplate that has drawer + tab navigation
- Challenge — Bottom tab navigation for IOS and Top Sliding Tab navigation for Android
- 3 screen before login (launch, login, register) - follow this: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/brand-lovers-beleza-e-maquiagem/id1094374278?mt=8
- and some screen after login/register is done
- do it with redux
- do it without redux
- Learn Redux (you don't need to use redux data everything, only in shared state)
- do a form using https://github.com/gcanti/tcomb-form-native
- do the same form without tcomb-form-native
- do a list of items (ListView and DataSource), work with sections.
- implement a Modal (using component from react native)
- change navigation transition style
- work with social logins (facebook, google, twitter, and so on)
- implement push notification
- work with cameral roll
- work with maps
- Learn Relay/Apollo