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Created November 25, 2015 00:11
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(ql:quickload :sketch)
(ql:quickload :alexandria)
(in-package :sketch)
(defparameter *maze-w* 60)
(defparameter *maze-h* 40)
(defparameter *tile-size* 10)
(defparameter *maze* nil)
(defun v*s (v s)
"Vector math, multiplies vector V by scalar S"
`(,(* (first v) s) ,(* (second v) s)))
(defun v+v (v1 v2)
"Vector math, adds two vectors, V1 and V2"
`(,(+ (first v1) (first v2)) ,(+ (second v1) (second v2))))
(defun neighbors (x y)
"For position (X Y) in maze grid returns unit vectors "
(remove-if (lambda (a)
(or (< (+ x (first a)) 1)
(< (+ y (second a)) 1)
(> (+ x (first a)) (- *maze-w* 2))
(> (+ y (second a)) (- *maze-h* 2))
(apply #'aref `(,*maze* ,@(v+v `(,x ,y) (v*s a 2))))))
`((-1 0) (1 0) (0 -1) (0 1))))
(defun get-cell (cells)
"Selects a cell from available cells"
(if (> (random 1.0) 0.8)
(car (last cells))
(alexandria:random-elt cells)))
(defun get-neighbor (neighbors)
"Selects carving direction"
(alexandria:random-elt neighbors))
(defun carve-1 (cells)
"Executes one iteration of maze carving"
(when cells
(let* ((cell (get-cell cells))
(neighbors (neighbors (first cell) (second cell))))
(setf cells (remove cell cells :test #'equal))
(when neighbors
(let* ((direction (get-neighbor neighbors)))
(loop for i below 2 do
(setf (apply #'aref `(,*maze* ,@(v+v cell (v*s direction (1+ i))))) t))
(setf cells (append `(,cell ,(v+v cell (v*s direction 2))) cells))))))
(defun carve ()
"Carves the whole maze, using"
(setf *maze* (make-array `(,*maze-w* ,*maze-h*) :initial-element nil))
(let ((cells `((,(random *maze-w*) ,(random *maze-h*)))))
(loop while cells do
(setf cells (carve-1 cells)))))
(defsketch maze (:title "Maze"
:width (* *tile-size* *maze-w*)
:height (* *tile-size* *maze-h*))
((white (make-pen :fill (gray 1 0)))
(black (make-pen :fill (gray 0))))
(dotimes (x *maze-w*)
(dotimes (y *maze-h*)
(when (aref *maze* x y)
(with-pen black
(rect (* x *tile-size*) (* y *tile-size*) *tile-size* *tile-size*))))))
(define-sketch-setup maze
(background (gray 1))
(defmethod kit.sdl2:mousebutton-event ((w maze) s ts b x y)
(when (equal s :mousebuttonup)
(background (gray 1))
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