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Created March 9, 2019 02:06
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def f2(n)
return n.odd? ? (n * 3 + 1) / 2 : n / 2
def dense(w, d)
w2 = w - 1
a = (0...w2).to_a
s = '0' * w2
(1..(d * w - 1)).map { a.delete_at(rand(a.size)) }.each { |x| s[x, 1] = '1' }
return ('1' + s)
def len(ns, p)
l = ns.split(p)
l = [''] if (l.nil? || l.empty?)
return { |x| x.length }
def len01(ns)
return len(ns, /0+/), len(ns, /1+/)
def mx01(ns)
l1, l0 = len01(ns)
return l1.max, l0.max
def put01(w)
ns = dense(w, 0.5)
r = (0..1).map { rand(w) }.sort
w1 = r[1] - r[0] + 1
s = ('01' * (w1 / 2 + 1))[0...w1]
ns[r[0]..r[1]] = s
ns1 = '-' * w
ns1[r[0]..r[1]] = s
ns2 = f2(ns.to_i(2)).to_s(2)
return ns, ns2
def make(w)
ns = ns2 = r = nil
t = 0
loop \
t += 1
ns, ns2 = put01(w)
mx1 = mx01(ns2)[0]
r = mx1.to_f / w
break if (r > 0.45 && r < 0.55)
$stderr.puts([r, t].inspect)
return ns
def add(l, n, x)
p = x['p'] + (n % 2).to_s
l1m, l0m = mx01(p)
return if (l0m >= 20)
l1 = [n] + x['l']
cm = (0...l1.size).max_by { |x| l1[x] }
w = n.to_s(2).length
l << {'n' => n,
'p' => p,
'w' => w,
'l' => l1,
'cm' => cm,
'mxi' => l1.size.to_f / w}
def back(ns, c)
add(l = [], ns.to_i(2), {'p' => '', 'l' => []})
mx = nil
k = 'mxi'
500.times \
return if (l.empty?)
l.sort_by! { |x| -x[k] }
mx = [l[0], mx].compact.max_by { |x| x[k] }
x = l.delete_at(rand([l.size, 20].min))
puts([t, x[k], c].join("\t"))
n = x['n']
add(l, (n - 1) / 3, x) if ((n - 1) % 3 == 0 && ((n - 1) / 3).odd?)
add(l, n * 2, x)
return mx
def reverse(w, mk, c)
t = 0
x = nil
loop \
t += 1
ns =
x = back(ns, c)
break if (!x.nil?)
# $stderr.puts([t, x].inspect)
return x
10.times \
w = (j + 1) * 100
x = reverse(w, lambda { |w| make(w) }, w)
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