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Created October 21, 2018 04:09
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def f2(n)
return n.odd? ? (n * 3 + 1) / 2 : n / 2
def re(n, t)
s = (n % 2).to_s
n1 = n
t.times \
n = f2(n)
s << (n % 2).to_s
break if (n == 1)
return s, n
def adj(x, m, n, s2, p2, p, x3)
s2.replace(p[0...x] + (x3 % 2).to_s)
m = (s2[x, 1] == p[x, 1])
n = p2.reverse.to_i(2)
p2[x, 1] = m ? '11' : '01'
return m, n, x3
def terras121(p)
p2 = ['01', '11'][p[0, 1].to_i]
n = 1
n3 = 0
m = p2 == '11'
x3 = (p2.reverse.to_i(2)) >> 1
(1...p.length).each \
if (!m)
ns = n.to_s(2)
ns[0, 1] = ''
m1 = x3 - 3**n3
n1 = f2(m1)
n3 = p[0...x].split('').select { |z| z == '1' }.size
s2 = ''
m, n, x3 = adj(x, m, n, s2, p2, p, m ? (f2(x3) + 3**n3) : (n1 + 3**n3))
n = p2.reverse.to_i(2)
s, n2 = re(n, p.length - 1)
raise if (s != p)
return n
def dense(w, d)
w2 = w - 1
a = (0...w2).to_a
s = '0' * w2
(1..(d * w - 1)).map { a.delete_at(rand(a.size)) }.each { |x| s[x, 1] = '1' }
return ('1' + s)
def d(s)
c = s.split('').select { |x| x == '1' }.size
d = c.to_f / s.length
return d
def cut(b, w, c)
a = (1...w).to_a
p = (1..c).map { a.delete_at(rand(a.size)) }
s = b.to_s * w
p.sort.reverse.each { |x| s[x, 0] = '-' }
return s.split('-')
def entropy(w, c)
c = [1, c].max
c = [w - 1, c].min
c2 = (c + 1) / 2
w2 = w / 2
l1 = c.even? ? cut(1, w2, c2) : cut(1, w2, c2 - 1)
l0 = cut(0, w2, c2 - 1)
l0 << '' if (c.even?)
return [l1, l0].transpose.join
def count(m, n)
n1 = n
l = [n]
while (n != 1)
n = f2(n)
l << n
cg = l.index{ |x| x < l[0] }
cm1 = (0...l.size).max_by { |x| l[x] }
return {"#{m}_{cg}" => cg, "#{m}_{cm1}" => cm1, "#{m}_{c}" => l.size}
c = 200
w = 50
f ='gnuplot.cmd', 'w')
f.puts('$dat << eof')
vs = ['x', 'd_{cg}', 'd_{c}', 'e_{c}', 'd_{cm1}', 'e_{cg}', 'e_{cm1}']
c.times \
de = x.to_f / (c - 1)
pd = dense(w, de)
n = terras121(pd)
y = count('d', n)
pe = entropy(w, (de * w).to_i)
n = terras121(pe)
y.merge!(count('e', n))
f.puts(([x] + y.values_at(*vs)).join("\t"))
f.puts('set ytics nomirror; set y2tics; plot \\')
vs[1..-1].each_with_index \
|x, i|
ax = ''
ax = 'axes x1y2' if ((3..5).member?(i))
f.puts("$dat using (#{i * c} + column('x')):(column('#{x}')) with line title '#{x}' #{ax},\\")
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