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Install Letsencrypt

# apt-get install git dialog
# git clone /opt/letsencrypt

Make .well-known folder for webroot

waaaaargh /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
Some tools to facilitate the creation of APT repositories
# (c) 2014 by Johannes Fürmann
# Licensed under WTFPL. See
if [ $1 == "" ]; then
echo ""
echo "Download package and Dependencies"
echo ""
echo "USAGE:"
echo " PKGNAME"
waaaaargh / MyDescriptorReader
Created February 5, 2014 12:29
Monkeypatch Stem's DirectoryReader to just care about the relays we're interested in.
import os
import tarfile
import stem
from stem.descriptor.reader import DescriptorReader
class MyDescriptorReader(DescriptorReader):
def __init__(self, interesting_fingerprints, *args, **kwargs):
DescriptorReader.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._interesting_fingerprints = interesting_fingerprints
waaaaargh / multiple-processes
Last active February 12, 2018 17:32
[Draft] This document explains how to run multiple tor processes on one host.
Managing multiple Tor processes on one host
Due to Tor's internal architecture, running only one Tor process per physical
host is often not enough. As a thumb rule, you should run one Tor process per
physical CPU core to make full use of the host's CPU power. This, however
brings with it other difficulties: The tor network limits the number of Tor
relays per IP in the consensus to 2. Also, the relay nodes should be rechable
on Port 80 and 443 since those ports are often unfiltered and unblocked.