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Washington Indacochea Delgado wachin

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wachin / FFmulticonverter WhatsApp Compression
Last active May 10, 2024 19:50
Cómo compartir videos largos en whatsapp comprimiendolos desde Linux con FFmulticonverter a menos de 16 MB
Menos de 16 MB acepta WhatsApp en un video, y para poderlos compartir a ese tamaño he hecho los siguientes
calculos para comprimir videos
Cualquiera de las líneas ejemplo:
-vf "scale=512:288" -b:v 220k -r 15 -ac 1 -b:a 30k -ar 44100
hay que colocarla en FFmulticonverter en:
wachin / Script 75Hz 1366x768 Monitor emachines
Last active March 5, 2024 13:18
75 Hz Refresh Rate script 1366x768 Monitor emachines E202HL
#! /bin/bash
# Cómo crear Script para añadir 75Hz en Monitor Externo en Linux
# Debemos saber cuales son las resoluciones que soporta el monitor, y esto solo se puede saber por el fabricante del mismo
# Para el monitor emachines E202HL
wachin / breeze_dark.reg
Created July 22, 2021 22:34 — forked from mihawk90/breeze_dark.reg
Breeze Dark theme for Wine
[Control Panel\\Colors] 1491939580
"ActiveBorder"="49 54 58"
"ActiveTitle"="49 54 58"
"AppWorkSpace"="60 64 72"
"Background"="49 54 58"
"ButtonAlternativeFace"="200 0 0"
"ButtonDkShadow"="154 154 154"
"ButtonFace"="49 54 58"
"ButtonHilight"="119 126 140"
wachin /
Created June 28, 2022 19:20 — forked from palaniraja/
Bash script to merge all mp4 videos in current directory (recursively 2 levels). It also updates the chapter marks to retain the folder/filename of source dir
## Script to merge all mp4 videos in current directory (recursively 2 levels)
## And update chapter marks to retain the folder/filename
## Script for merging videos
filename=`basename pwd`
wachin / Unicode table
Created February 17, 2021 19:36 — forked from ivandrofly/Unicode table
Unicode table - List of most common Unicode characters *
Unicode table - List of most common Unicode characters *
* This summary list contains about 2000 characters for most common ocidental/latin languages and most printable symbols but not chinese, japanese, arab, archaic and some unprintable.
Contains character codes in HEX (hexadecimal), decimal number, name/description and corresponding printable symbol.
What is Unicode?
Unicode is a standard created to define letters of all languages ​​and characters such as punctuation and technical symbols. Today, UNICODE (UTF-8) is the most used character set encoding (used by almost 70% of websites, in 2013). The second most used character set is ISO-8859-1 (about 20% of websites), but this old encoding format is being replaced by Unicode.
How to identify the Unicode number for a character?
Type or paste a character:
wachin /
Created June 22, 2020 21:00 — forked from rorlab/
Shell script for making github repository and pushing source codes
test -z $repo_name && echo "Repo name required." 1>&2 && exit 1
curl -u '[username]:[password]' -d "{\"name\":\"$repo_name\"}"
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add origin "[username]/$repo_name.git"
git push -u origin master
wachin / Enable Printers in PlayOnLinux
Last active March 26, 2020 12:32 — forked from raelgc/Install MSOffice on
Enable Printers in PlayOnLinux Apps

RESUME: I install in PlayOnLinux 'Microsoft Word Viewer 2003' but the Printer not working. Here are the solution, for this and for more apps that need use the Printer under Wine PlayOnLinux

  • Printers

If you have a printer properly configured under Ubuntu, probably it'll be automatically available under wine.

If not, we can make it available. Basically, your printer must be installed using cups. No problem if the printer is installed using other softwares/drivers, but to get it available for wine, it must be installed under cups too.

If cups package is not installed, install it: