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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Wrapping reducer vs reducer with atom
(ns redtest.core
(:require [clojure.core.reducers]
[clojure.core.protocols :refer
[CollReduce coll-reduce]]))
;; state is kept in a ret
(deftype WrapState [ret n])
(deftype WrapTake [coll n]
(coll-reduce [this f init]
(let [init-state (->WrapState init n)
tf (fn [^WrapState state val]
(let [ret (.-ret state)
ni (dec (.-n state))
nret (f ret val)]
(cond (reduced? nret)
(reduced (->WrapState @nret nil))
(zero? ni)
(reduced (->WrapState nret nil))
:else (->WrapState nret ni))))
ret-state (coll-reduce coll tf init-state)]
(.-ret ^WrapState ret-state))))
(def wrap-take (->WrapTake [1 2 3 4 5 6] 3))
(dotimes [x 100000]
(reduce conj [] wrap-take)))
;; state is kept in atom
(deftype AtomTake [coll n]
(coll-reduce [this f init]
(let [na (atom n)
tf (fn [ret val]
(swap! na dec)
(let [ni @na
nret (f ret val)]
(if (zero? ni)
(reduced nret)
(coll-reduce coll tf init))))
(def atom-take (->AtomTake [1 2 3 4 5 6] 3))
(dotimes [x 100000]
(reduce conj [] atom-take)))
;; state is kept in volatile
(deftype VolatileTake [coll n]
(coll-reduce [this f init]
(let [na (volatile! n)
tf (fn [ret val]
(vswap! na dec)
(let [ni @na
nret (f ret val)]
(if (zero? ni)
(reduced nret)
(coll-reduce coll tf init))))
(def volatile-take (->VolatileTake [1 2 3 4 5 6] 3))
(dotimes [x 100000]
(reduce conj [] volatile-take)))
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