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Created May 5, 2022 14:14
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# compare two dictionaries and return which items have different values
def dict_diff(dict1, dict2):
diff = {}
keys_d1 = dict1.keys()
keys_d2 = dict2.keys()
for key_d1 in keys_d1:
if key_d1 in keys_d2:
if dict1[key_d1] != dict2[key_d1]:
diff[key_d1] = (dict1[key_d1], dict2[key_d1])
diff[key_d1] = (dict1[key_d1], None)
only_in_d2 = list(set(keys_d2) - set(keys_d1))
for d2_ex in only_in_d2:
diff[d2_ex] = (None, dict2[d2_ex])
return dict(sorted(diff.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]))
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