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Created October 25, 2012 02:16
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phantomjs script to automate form submission process for Hong Kong iPhone 5 reservation lucky draw
Usage: phantomjs "First Name" "Last Name" "email address" "ID Card number" "product code" "store code"
product code:
"MD297ZP/A" : 16G Black
"MD298ZP/A" : 16G White
"MD299ZP/A" : 32G Black
"MD300ZP/A" : 32G White
"MD662ZP/A" : 64G Black
"MD663ZP/A" : 64G White
store code:
"R428" : IFC
"R485" : Festival Walk
page = require('webpage').create()
system = require('system')
phantom.settings =
userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit/534.55.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.3 Safari/534.53.10"
page.state = 0
url = ""
page.onAlert = (msg) ->
console.log "alert> #{msg}"
page.onConfirm = (msg) ->
console.log "confirm> #{msg}"
return true
page.onPrompt = (msg) ->
console.log "prompt> #{msg}"
page.onConsoleMessage = (msg) ->
console.log "console> #{msg}"
page.onError = (msg, trace) ->
for item in trace
console.log "#{item.file} : #{item.line}"
page.onResourceRequested = (res) ->
console.log "requesting> #{JSON.stringify(res)}" if false
page.onResourceReceived = (res) ->
console.log "requested> #{JSON.stringify(res)}" if false
page.onUrlChanged = (res) ->
console.log "urlChanged> #{JSON.stringify(res)}" if true
firstname = system.args[1]
lastname = system.args[2]
email = system.args[3]
govid = system.args[4]
model = system.args[5]
storecode = system.args[6]
retValue = 0 # by default return 0
console.log "data: #{firstname}, #{lastname}, #{email}, #{govid}, #{model}, #{storecode}"
page.onLoadFinished = (status) ->
console.log "status: #{status}"
if status != 'success'
console.log "Connection failed."
# no need to reload jquery for apple site
#page.injectJs 'jquery-1.8.2.min.js'
if page.state==1
# select store and product
page.evaluate (model, storecode) ->
console.log "store selected"
filterstring = '[value="' + model + '"]'
jQuery('input[name = product]').filter(filterstring).attr('checked', true).click()
console.log "product selected"
, model, storecode
# wait until contract type dialog popup
page.evaluate ->
planbox = jQuery('.planoverlayBox')
console.log "loop until popup shown"
while planbox.css('display')=='none'
# select SIM-Free contract and click confirm
page.evaluate ->
jQuery('input[name = planRadioButton]').filter('[value=UNLOCKED]').attr('checked', true).click()
# enter all other info and wait for url change
page.evaluate (firstname, lastname, email, govid)->
jQuery('#submitButton a').click()
, firstname, lastname, email, govid
if page.state==2
page.render('apple.png') # save last screen
console.log "done"
phantom.exit(retValue) url
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