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Created November 22, 2024 16:55
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A script to quickly create a truecolor image from any Landsat scene ID
# Processing Landsat 8 data into truecolor PXM compatibility
# (pansharpening note: a lot of scenes evaluated for this were straight-up missing band 8 :shrug:)
# Usage: bash <Landsat scene ID, e.g. "LC08_L1TP_006038_20230925_20231002_02_T1">
# Get the scene ID
# from
# Extract components from SCENE
L_PATH=$(echo $SCENE | cut -c 11-13)
L_ROW=$(echo $SCENE | cut -c 14-16)
YEAR=$(echo $SCENE | cut -c 18-21)
# Collect data from AWS
BANDS=( 2 3 4 8 )
for BAND in ${BANDS[@]}; do
aws s3 cp \
--request-payer requester \
s3://usgs-landsat/collection02/level-1/standard/oli-tirs/${YEAR}/${L_PATH}/${L_ROW}/${SCENE}/${SCENE}_B${BAND}.TIF \
# Combine and pansharpen for truecolor \
${SCENE}_B{4,3,2}.TIF \
${SCENE}_sharp.tif \
-r bilinear \
# Determine color min/max thresholds for stretching
eval $(gdalinfo -mm ${SCENE}_sharp.tif -json | jq -r '
.bands |
map(.computedMin) as $mins |
map(.computedMax) as $maxes |
"MIN=\($mins | min) MAX=\($maxes | max)"
# Smoosh colors into 8-bit range, add "pep"
gdal_translate \
${SCENE}_sharp.tif \
${SCENE}_scaled_255.tif \
-scale ${MIN} ${MAX} 0 255 \
-exponent 0.5 \
-ot Byte \
# clean up everything except the final image
rm ${SCENE}_B{2,3,4,8}.TIF ${SCENE}_sharp.tif
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