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Last active June 25, 2021 20:42
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later callback execution order bug
# This code uses later's C API to schedule callbacks as quickly as possible, and
# it tests if the callbacks execute in the same order that they are scheduled.
# In Docker on Mac, they sometimes do not.
docker run --rm -ti rocker/shiny /bin/bash
install.packages(c('cpp11', 'later', 'brio', 'callr', 'cli', 'decor', 'desc',
'tibble', 'vctrs'))
code = '
#include <cpp11.hpp>
using namespace cpp11;
#include <later_api.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#define N_VALUES 1000000
int stored_values[N_VALUES] = {};
std::atomic<int> next_i {0};
void append_value(void* data) {
int* value = reinterpret_cast<int*>(data);
stored_values[next_i++] = *value;
delete value;
void print_done_message(void* data) {
std::cerr << "\\nDone\\n";
// This function calls later() to schedule append_value().
void schedule_populate_stored_values() {
next_i = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N_VALUES; i++) {
int* value = new int(i+1);
later::later(append_value, value, 0.0);
later::later(print_done_message, NULL, 0.0);
integers get_stored_values() {
writable::integers out(N_VALUES);
for(int i = 0; i < N_VALUES; ++i) {
out[i] = stored_values[i];
return out;
void reset_stored_values() {
for(int i = 0; i < N_VALUES; ++i) {
stored_values[i] = 0;
# This function tests to see if any callbacks are executed in the wrong
# order, and returns a data frame with information about the ones that
# have run in the wrong order.
test_for_mismatches <- function() {
# Set values to zero.
# Schedule the callbacks to populate the stored values.
# Callbacks won't execute yet, so should all be zeros.
stopifnot(all(get_stored_values() == 0))
# Run the callbacks
# At this point, the stored values should be an array of integers from 1 to
# 1e6.
# Check for any mismatches.
x <- get_stored_values()
mismatch_idx <- which(x != 1:1e6)
# Return indices of mismatches, as well as the values at those indices.
idx = mismatch_idx,
value = x[mismatch_idx]
# ==============================================================================
# Run it once. Note that the resulting data frame shows every entry where the
# value is not equal to the index.
# The `idx` column represents the order that a callback was executed.
# The `value` column represents the order that a callback was scheduled.
#> Done
#> idx value
#> 1 795335 796449
#> 2 795336 795335
#> 3 795337 795336
#> 4 795338 796450
#> ...
#> 2253 797587 796447
#> 2254 797588 797589
#> 2255 797589 796448
# ==============================================================================
# Run it 10 times and store the results in `res`
res <- list()
for (i in 1:10) {
res[[length(res) + 1]] <- test_for_mismatches()
message("iteration ", i, " done.")
# Inspect the results
#> List of 10
#> $ :'data.frame': 1992 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ idx : int [1:1992] 610721 610722 610723 610724 610725 610726 610727 610728 610729 610730 ...
#> ..$ value: int [1:1992] 611704 610721 611705 610722 611706 610723 610724 611707 611708 610725 ...
#> $ :'data.frame': 2634 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ idx : int [1:2634] 350202 350203 350204 350205 350206 350207 350208 350209 350210 350211 ...
#> ..$ value: int [1:2634] 350922 350202 350203 350923 350204 350924 350205 350206 350925 350207 ...
#> $ :'data.frame': 1243 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ idx : int [1:1243] 510744 510745 510746 510747 510748 510749 510750 510751 510752 510753 ...
#> ..$ value: int [1:1243] 511332 510744 511333 510745 511334 510746 511335 511336 511337 510747 ...
#> $ :'data.frame': 2684 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ idx : int [1:2684] 109765 109766 109767 109768 109769 109770 109771 109772 109773 109774 ...
#> ..$ value: int [1:2684] 110394 109765 110395 109766 109767 109768 109769 109770 109771 109772 ...
#> $ :'data.frame': 2662 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ idx : int [1:2662] 282027 282028 282029 282030 282031 282032 282033 282034 282035 282036 ...
#> ..$ value: int [1:2662] 282659 282027 282028 282660 282029 282661 282662 282663 282664 282665 ...
#> $ :'data.frame': 1595 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ idx : int [1:1595] 465680 465681 465682 465683 465684 465685 465686 465687 465688 465689 ...
#> ..$ value: int [1:1595] 466436 466437 465680 465681 465682 465683 465684 465685 465686 465687 ...
#> $ :'data.frame': 2099 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ idx : int [1:2099] 91172 91173 91174 91175 91176 91177 91178 91179 91180 91181 ...
#> ..$ value: int [1:2099] 91696 91697 91698 91699 91700 91701 91702 91172 91173 91703 ...
#> $ :'data.frame': 2815 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ idx : int [1:2815] 187879 187880 187881 187882 187883 187884 187885 187886 187887 187888 ...
#> ..$ value: int [1:2815] 188528 187879 187880 187881 187882 187883 187884 187885 187886 187887 ...
#> $ :'data.frame': 1640 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ idx : int [1:1640] 480440 480441 480442 480443 480444 480445 480446 480447 480448 480449 ...
#> ..$ value: int [1:1640] 481252 480440 480441 481253 480442 481254 481255 480443 480444 480445 ...
#> $ :'data.frame': 3273 obs. of 2 variables:
#> ..$ idx : int [1:3273] 196817 196818 196819 196820 196821 196822 196823 196824 196825 196826 ...
#> ..$ value: int [1:3273] 197645 196817 197646 197647 196818 196819 196820 196821 196822 197648 ...
head(res[[10]], 20)
#> idx value
#> 1 196817 197645
#> 2 196818 196817
#> 3 196819 197646
#> 4 196820 197647
#> 5 196821 196818
#> 6 196822 196819
#> 7 196823 196820
#> 8 196824 196821
#> 9 196825 196822
#> 10 196826 197648
#> 11 196827 196823
#> 12 196828 197649
#> 13 196829 197650
#> 14 196830 196824
#> 15 196831 196825
#> 16 196832 197651
#> 17 196833 196826
#> 18 196834 197652
#> 19 196835 197653
#> 20 196836 196827
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