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Last active October 21, 2021 18:05
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combo: simple parser combinator library for JavaScript
This is `combo.js` as of SourceCred commit fb669962a030, modified to convert
Flow type annotations to comment syntax and to group ES6 exports to the end of
the file (for easier conversion to Node-style `module.exports`). The code of
`combo.js` up to this point in history was written entirely by me. Its tests
still pass.
// @flow
// Simple parser combinator library for structured types rather than
// bytestring parsing.
export type JsonObject =
| string
| number
| boolean
| null
| $ReadOnlyArray<JsonObject>
| {+[string]: JsonObject};
export type ParseResult<+T> =
| {|+ok: true, +value: T|}
| {|+ok: false, +err: string|};
class Parser /*:: <+T> */ {
+_f: (JsonObject) => ParseResult<T>;
// Phantom data for the output type of this parser. Used to more
// reliably match on parsers at the type level, via `$PropertyType`
// rather than `$Call`. Not populated at runtime; do not dereference.
+_phantomT: T;
constructor(f /*: (JsonObject) => ParseResult<T> */) {
this._f = f;
parse(raw /*: JsonObject */) /*: ParseResult<T> */ {
return this._f(raw);
parseOrThrow(raw /*: JsonObject */) /*: T */ {
const result = this.parse(raw);
if (result.ok) {
return result.value;
} else {
throw new Error(result.err);
// Helper type to extract the underlying type of a parser: for instance,
// `ParserOutput<Parser<string>>` is just `string`.
export type ParserOutput<P: Parser<mixed>> = $PropertyType<P, "_phantomT">;
type ExtractParserOutput = <P: Parser<mixed>>(P) => ParserOutput<P>;
// Helper to make a successful parse result. For readability.
function success /*:: <T> */(t /*: T */) /*: ParseResult<T> */ {
return {ok: true, value: t};
// Helper to make a failed parse result. For readability.
function failure(err /*: string */) /*: ParseResult<empty> */ {
return {ok: false, err};
// Helper to nicely render a JSON object's typename, accounting for
// nulls and arrays.
function typename(x /*: JsonObject*/) /*: string */ {
if (x === null) {
return "null";
if (Array.isArray(x)) {
return "array";
return typeof x;
const string /*: Parser<string> */ = new Parser((x) => {
if (typeof x !== "string") {
return failure("expected string, got " + typename(x));
return success(x);
const number /*: Parser<number> */ = new Parser((x) => {
if (typeof x !== "number") {
return failure("expected number, got " + typename(x));
return success(x);
const boolean /*: Parser<boolean> */ = new Parser((x) => {
if (typeof x !== "boolean") {
return failure("expected boolean, got " + typename(x));
return success(x);
// Parser that only accepts a literal `null`. (Called `null_` rather
// than `null` to avoid conflicting with keyword.)
const null_ /*: Parser<null> */ = new Parser((x) => {
if (x !== null) {
return failure("expected null, got " + typename(x));
return success(x);
// The identity operation: a parser that always succeeds, emitting a
// `JsonObject` (not `any`) with the input. Used when you need a parser
// that matches anything:
// // Accepts an arbitrary heterogeneous array and returns its length
// C.fmap(C.array(C.raw), (a) => a.length)
// // Accepts a config file with dynamic plugin-specific data
// C.object({version: string, pluginConfig: C.dict(C.raw)})
// To destructure the parsed value dynamically, pair with `fmap`.
const raw /*: Parser<JsonObject> */ = new Parser(success);
// Lift a plain value into a parser that always returns that value,
// ignoring its input.
function pure /*:: <T> */(t /*: T */) /*: Parser<T> */ {
return new Parser((_) => success(t));
// Create a parser that accepts any value from a fixed set. This can be
// used for enumerated values in configs:
// type Environment = "dev" | "prod";
// const p: C.Parser<Environment> = C.exactly(["dev", "prod"]);
// This function only supports value types. Performing an `any`-cast
// guarded by a deep equality check would be unsound, breaking opaque
// type boundaries: e.g., a module could `export opaque type T = {}` and
// provide two constants `ONE = {}` and `TWO = {}` (different objects),
// and then expect that any value of type `T` would be identical to
// either `ONE` or `TWO`. Using strict reference equality for array and
// object types would be sound, but would not usually be what was
// wanted, as it wouldn't match ~any actual output of `JSON.parse`.
function exactly /*:: <T: string | number | boolean | null> */(
ts /*: $ReadOnlyArray<T> */
) /*: Parser<T> */ {
return new Parser((x) => {
for (const t of ts) {
if (x === t) {
return success(t);
const expected /*: string */ =
ts.length === 1 ? String(ts[0]) : `one of ${JSON.stringify(ts)}`;
return failure(`expected ${expected}, got ${typename(x)}`);
// Transform the output of a parser with a pure function. For instance,
// if `p: Parser<number>` and `f = (n: number) => n % 2 === 0`, then
// `fmap(p, f)` is a `Parser<boolean>` that first uses `p` to parse its
// input to a number and then checks whether the number is even.
// If the function `f` throws, the thrown value will be converted to
// string and returned as a parse error. (The string conversion takes
// `e.message` if the thrown value `e` is an `Error`, else just converts
// with the `String` builtin.)
// This can be used for "strong validation". If `U` is a (possibly
// opaque) subtype of `T`, and `f: (T) => U` is a checked downcast that
// either returns a `U` or throws an error, then `fmap` can transform a
// `Parser<T>` into a validating `Parser<U>`, where the fact that the
// validation has been performed is encoded at the type level. Thus:
// import * as C from ".../combo";
// import {NodeAddress, type NodeAddressT} from ".../core/graph";
// const addressParser: Parser<NodeAddressT> =
// C.fmap(C.array(C.string), NodeAddress.fromParts);
// As a degenerate case, it can also be used for "weak validation",
// where the types `T` and `U` are the same and the function `f` simply
// returns its argument or throws, but in this case there is nothing
// preventing a user of a `Parser<T>` from simply forgetting to
// validate. Prefer strong validation when possible.
function fmap /*:: <T, U> */(
p /*: Parser<T> */,
f /*: (T) => U */
) /*: Parser<U> */ {
return new Parser((x) => {
const maybeT = p.parse(x);
if (!maybeT.ok) {
return failure(maybeT.err);
const t = maybeT.value;
let u /*: U */;
try {
u = f(t);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
return failure(e.message);
} else {
return failure(String(e));
return success(u);
// Create a parser that tries each of the given parsers on the same
// input, taking the first successful parse or failing if all parsers
// fail. In the failure case, the provided `errorFn` will be called with
// the error messages from all the subparsers to form the resulting
// error; the default error function includes the full text of all the
// error messages, but a user-supplied error function may act with
// domain-specific precision.
// One use case is for parsing unions, including discriminated unions:
// type Expr =
// | {|+type: "CONSTANT", +value: number|}
// | {|+type: "VARIABLE", +name: string|};
// const exprParser: C.Parser<Expr> = C.orElse([
// C.fmap(C.number, (value) => ({type: "CONSTANT", value})),
// C.fmap(C.string, (name) => ({type: "VARIABLE", name})),
// ]);
// Another is to use `pure` to provide a default value:
// const lenientNumber: C.Parser<number | "(unknown)"> = C.orElse([
// C.number,
// C.pure("(unknown)"),
// ]);
// This last parser will always succeed, because `C.pure(v)` always
// succeeds and always returns `v`.
function orElse /*:: <T: $ReadOnlyArray<Parser<mixed>>> */(
parsers /*: T */,
errorFn /*:: ?: (string[]) => string */ = (errors) =>
`no parse matched: ${JSON.stringify(errors)}`
) /*: Parser<$ElementType<$TupleMap<T, ExtractParserOutput>, number>> */ {
return new Parser((x) => {
const errors = [];
for (const parser of parsers) {
const result = parser.parse(x);
if (result.ok) {
return success((result.value /*: any */));
} else {
return failure(errorFn(errors));
function array /*:: <T> */(p /*: Parser<T> */) /*: Parser<T[]> */ {
return new Parser((x) => {
if (!Array.isArray(x)) {
return failure("expected array, got " + typename(x));
const result = Array(x.length);
for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
const raw = x[i];
const parsed = p.parse(raw);
if (!parsed.ok) {
return failure(`index ${i}: ${parsed.err}`);
result[i] = parsed.value;
return success(result);
// Fields for an object type. Each is either a bare parser or the result
// of `rename("oldFieldName", p)` for a parser `p`, to be used when the
// field name in the output type is to be different from the field name
// in the input type.
export type Field<+T> = Parser<T> | RenameField<T>;
export opaque type RenameField<+T>: {+_phantomT: T} = RenameFieldImpl<T>;
export type Fields = {+[string]: Field<mixed>};
// Like `ExtractParserOutput`, but works on `Field`s even when the
// bound ascription is checked outside of this module.
type FieldOutput<F: Field<mixed>> = $PropertyType<F, "_phantomT">;
type ExtractFieldOutput = <F: Field<mixed>>(F) => FieldOutput<F>;
function rename /*:: <T> */(
oldKey /*: string */,
parser /*: Parser<T> */
) /*: RenameField<T> */ {
return new RenameFieldImpl(oldKey, parser);
class RenameFieldImpl /*:: <+T> */ extends Parser /*:: <T> */ {
/*:: +oldKey: string; */
constructor(oldKey /*: string */, parser /*: Parser<T> */) {
this.oldKey = oldKey;
// Parser combinator for an object type all of whose fields are
// required.
type PObjectAllRequired = <FReq: Fields>(
required: FReq
) => Parser<$ObjMap<FReq, ExtractFieldOutput>>;
// Parser combinator for an object type with some required fields (maybe
// none) and some optional ones.
type PObjectWithOptionals = <FReq: Fields, FOpt: Fields>(
required: FReq,
optional: FOpt
) => Parser<
...$Exact<$ObjMap<FReq, ExtractFieldOutput>>,
...$Rest<$Exact<$ObjMap<FOpt, ExtractFieldOutput>>, {}>,
// Parser combinator for an object type where all fields are optional.
// Special case of `PObjectWithOptionals`.
type PObjectShape = <FOpt: Fields>(
optional: FOpt
) => Parser<$Rest<$Exact<$ObjMap<FOpt, ExtractFieldOutput>>, {}>>;
// Parser combinator for an object type with some required fields (maybe
// none) and maybe some optional ones. (This is an intersection type
// rather than a normal function with optional second argument to force
// inference to pick a branch based on arity rather than inferring an
// `empty` type.)
type PObject = PObjectAllRequired & PObjectWithOptionals;
// Create a parser for an object type, with required fields and
// (optionally) optional fields. The returned parser will silently drop
// extraneous fields on values that it parses, to facilitate forward and
// backward compatibility.
const object /*: PObject */ = (function object(
optionalFields /*:: ? */
) {
const newKeysSeen = new Set();
const fields /*: Array<{|
+oldKey: string,
+newKey: string,
+required: boolean,
+parser: Parser<mixed>,
|}> */ = [];
const fieldsets = [
{inputFields: requiredFields, required: true},
{inputFields: optionalFields || {}, required: false},
for (const {inputFields, required} of fieldsets) {
for (const newKey of Object.keys(inputFields)) {
const parser = inputFields[newKey];
if (newKeysSeen.has(newKey)) {
throw new Error("duplicate key: " + JSON.stringify(newKey));
const oldKey = parser instanceof RenameFieldImpl ? parser.oldKey : newKey;
fields.push({oldKey, newKey, parser, required});
return new Parser((x) => {
if (typeof x !== "object" || Array.isArray(x) || x == null) {
return failure("expected object, got " + typename(x));
const result = {};
for (const {oldKey, newKey, parser, required} of fields) {
const raw = x[oldKey];
if (raw === undefined) {
if (required) {
return failure("missing key: " + JSON.stringify(oldKey));
} else {
const parsed = parser.parse(raw);
if (!parsed.ok) {
return failure(`key ${JSON.stringify(oldKey)}: ${parsed.err}`);
result[newKey] = parsed.value;
return success(result);
} /*:: : any */);
// Create a parser for an object type all of whose fields are optional.
// Shorthand for `object` with an empty first argument.
const shape /*: PObjectShape */ = function shape(fields) {
return object({}, fields);
// Create a parser for a tuple: a fixed-length array with possibly
// heterogeneous element types. For instance,
// C.tuple([C.string, C.number, C.boolean])
// is a parser that accepts length-3 arrays whose first element is a
// string, second element is a number, and third element is a boolean.
function tuple /*:: <T: Iterable<Parser<mixed>>> */(
parsers /*: T */
) /*: Parser<$TupleMap<T, ExtractParserOutput>> */ {
const ps = Array.from(parsers);
return new Parser((x) => {
if (!Array.isArray(x)) {
return failure("expected array, got " + typename(x));
if (x.length !== ps.length) {
return failure(`expected array of length ${ps.length}, got ${x.length}`);
const result = Array(ps.length);
for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
const raw = x[i];
const parser = ps[i];
const parsed = parser.parse(raw);
if (!parsed.ok) {
return failure(`index ${i}: ${parsed.err}`);
result[i] = parsed.value;
return success(result);
// Parser combinator for a dictionary whose keys are arbitrary strings.
type PDictStringKey = <V>(Parser<V>) => Parser<{|[string]: V|}>;
// Parser combinator for a dictionary whose keys are a specified subtype
// of string.
type PDictCustomKey = <V, K: string>(
) => Parser<{|[K]: V|}>;
type PDict = PDictStringKey & PDictCustomKey;
// Create a parser for objects with arbitrary string keys and
// homogeneous values. For instance, a set of package versions:
// {"better-sqlite3": "^7.0.0", "react": "^16.13.0"}
// might be parsed by the following parser:
// C.dict(C.fmap(C.string, (s) => SemVer.parse(s)))
// Objects may have any number of entries, including zero.
// An optional second argument may be passed to refine the keys to a
// subtype of `string`, such as an opaque subtype (`NodeAddressT`) or a
// string enum (`"ONE" | "TWO"`). Fails if the key parser gives the same
// output for two distinct keys.
const dict /*: PDict */ = (function dict /*:: <V, K: string> */(
keyParser /*: Parser<K> */ = (string /*: any */) // safe when called as `PDict`
) /*: Parser<{[K]: V}> */ {
return new Parser((x) => {
if (typeof x !== "object" || Array.isArray(x) || x == null) {
return failure("expected object, got " + typename(x));
const rawKeys /*: Map<K, string> */ = new Map();
const result /*: {|[K]: V|} */ = ({} /*: any */);
for (const rawKey of Object.keys(x)) {
const parsedKey = keyParser.parse(rawKey);
if (!parsedKey.ok) {
return failure(`key ${JSON.stringify(rawKey)}: ${parsedKey.err}`);
const oldRawKey = rawKeys.get(parsedKey.value);
if (oldRawKey != null) {
const s = JSON.stringify;
return failure(
`conflicting keys ${s(oldRawKey)} and ${s(rawKey)} ` +
`both have logical key ${s(parsedKey.value)}`
rawKeys.set(parsedKey.value, rawKey);
const rawValue = x[rawKey];
const parsedValue = valueParser.parse(rawValue);
if (!parsedValue.ok) {
return failure(`value ${JSON.stringify(rawKey)}: ${parsedValue.err}`);
result[parsedKey.value] = parsedValue.value;
return success(result);
} /*: any */);
export {
// @flow
import * as C from "./combo";
describe("src/util/combo", () => {
describe("type JsonObject", () => {
it("includes compound structures of strict subtypes", () => {
// (requires covariance in the array/object clauses)
(x /*: string[] */) /*: C.JsonObject */ => x;
(x /*: {[string]: number} */) /*: C.JsonObject */ => x;
describe("primitives", () => {
describe("string", () => {
it("accepts strings", () => {
it("rejects numbers", () => {
const thunk = () => C.string.parseOrThrow(77);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected string, got number");
it("rejects nulls", () => {
const thunk = () => C.string.parseOrThrow(null);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected string, got null");
describe("number", () => {
it("accepts numbers", () => {
it("rejects strings", () => {
const thunk = () => C.number.parseOrThrow("hey");
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected number, got string");
it("rejects arrays", () => {
const thunk = () => C.number.parseOrThrow([2, 3, 4]);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected number, got array");
it("rejects strings that look like numbers", () => {
const thunk = () => C.number.parseOrThrow("77");
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected number, got string");
describe("boolean", () => {
it("accepts true", () => {
it("accepts false", () => {
it("rejects null", () => {
const thunk = () => C.boolean.parseOrThrow(null);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected boolean, got null");
it("rejects objects", () => {
const thunk = () => C.boolean.parseOrThrow({});
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected boolean, got object");
describe("null_", () => {
it("accepts null", () => {
it("rejects undefined", () => {
// This is a defense-in-depth test---undefined isn't actually a
// valid JSON value---so silence Flow's justified complaint.
const undef /*: C.JsonObject */ = (undefined /*: any */);
const thunk = () => C.null_.parseOrThrow(undef);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected null, got undefined");
it("rejects falsy strings", () => {
const thunk = () => C.null_.parseOrThrow("");
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected null, got string");
it("rejects falsy numbers", () => {
const thunk = () => C.null_.parseOrThrow(0);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected null, got number");
describe("raw", () => {
it("parses strings", () => {
it("parses numbers", () => {
it("parses booleans", () => {
it("parses null", () => {
it("parses heterogeneous arrays", () => {
expect(C.raw.parseOrThrow([1, "two"])).toEqual([1, "two"]);
it("parses heterogeneous objects", () => {
const input = {one: 2, three: "five"};
expect(C.raw.parseOrThrow(input)).toEqual({one: 2, three: "five"});
describe("pure", () => {
it("does what it says on the tin", () => {
/*:: type Color = "RED" | "GREEN" | "BLUE"; */
const p /*: C.Parser<Color> */ = C.pure("GREEN");
describe("exactly", () => {
it("is type-safe", () => {
(C.exactly([1, 2, 3]) /*: C.Parser<1 | 2 | 3> */);
(C.exactly(["one", 2]) /*: C.Parser<"one" | 2> */);
(C.exactly([]) /*: C.Parser<empty> */);
// $FlowExpectedError
(C.exactly([1, 2, 3]) /*: C.Parser<1 | 2> */);
// $FlowExpectedError
(C.exactly(["one", 2]) /*: C.Parser<1 | "two"> */);
// $FlowExpectedError
(C.exactly([false]) /*: C.Parser<empty> */);
it("accepts any matching value", () => {
/*:: type Color = "RED" | "GREEN" | "BLUE"; */
const p /*: C.Parser<Color> */ = C.exactly(["RED", "GREEN", "BLUE"]);
expect([p.parse("RED"), p.parse("GREEN"), p.parse("BLUE")]).toEqual([
{ok: true, value: "RED"},
{ok: true, value: "GREEN"},
{ok: true, value: "BLUE"},
it("rejects a non-matching value among multiple alternatives", () => {
/*:: type Color = "RED" | "GREEN" | "BLUE"; */
const p /*: C.Parser<Color> */ = C.exactly(["RED", "GREEN", "BLUE"]);
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow("YELLOW");
'expected one of ["RED","GREEN","BLUE"], got string'
it("rejects a non-matching value from just one option", () => {
/*:: type Consent = {|+acceptedEula: true|}; */
const p /*: C.Parser<Consent> */ = C.object({
acceptedEula: C.exactly([true]),
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow({acceptedEula: false});
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected true, got boolean");
it("rejects a non-matching value from no options", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<empty> */ = C.exactly([]);
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow("wat");
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected one of [], got string");
describe("fmap", () => {
/*:: type Color = "RED" | "GREEN" | "BLUE"; */
function stringToColor(s /*: string */) /*: Color */ {
const c = s.toLowerCase().charAt(0);
switch (c) {
case "r":
return "RED";
case "g":
return "GREEN";
case "b":
return "BLUE";
throw new Error("unknown color: " + JSON.stringify(s));
it("handles the success case", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<Color> */ = C.fmap(C.string, stringToColor);
it("handles failure of the base parser", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<Color> */ = C.fmap(C.string, stringToColor);
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow(77);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected string, got number");
it("handles `Error`s thrown by the mapping function", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<Color> */ = C.fmap(C.string, stringToColor);
// Avoid `.toThrow` because that checks for a substring, and we
// want to ensure no "Error: " prefix is included.
expect(p.parse("wat")).toEqual({ok: false, err: 'unknown color: "wat"'});
it("handles failure of the mapping function", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<Color> */ = C.fmap(C.string, () => {
throw 123;
expect(p.parse("wat")).toEqual({ok: false, err: "123"});
it("composes", () => {
const raw /*: C.Parser<string> */ = C.string;
const trimmed /*: C.Parser<string> */ = C.fmap(raw, (s) => s.trim());
const color /*: C.Parser<Color> */ = C.fmap(trimmed, stringToColor);
expect(color.parseOrThrow(" blu\n\n")).toEqual("BLUE");
it("is type-safe", () => {
// input safety
// $FlowExpectedError
C.fmap(C.string, (n /*: number */) => n.toFixed());
// output safety
(C.fmap(C.number, (n /*: number */) =>
// $FlowExpectedError
) /*: C.Parser<number> */);
describe("orElse", () => {
it("is type-safe", () => {
(C.orElse([C.number, C.string]) /*: C.Parser<number | string> */);
(C.orElse([C.number, C.null_]) /*: C.Parser<number | null> */);
(C.orElse([C.number, C.null_]) /*: C.Parser<?number> */);
(C.orElse([C.number, C.null_]) /*: C.Parser<number | null | boolean> */);
(C.orElse([]) /*: C.Parser<empty> */);
// $FlowExpectedError
(C.orElse([C.number, C.string]) /*: C.Parser<number | boolean> */);
// $FlowExpectedError
(C.orElse([C.number, C.string]) /*: C.Parser<empty> */);
it("takes the first alternative if it works", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<number | string> */ = C.orElse([C.number, C.string]);
it("takes the second alternative if necessary", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<number | string> */ = C.orElse([C.number, C.string]);
it("takes the first alternative even if both work", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<1 | 2> */ = C.orElse([C.pure(1), C.pure(2)]);
it("permits an empty set of parsers, always rejecting", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<empty> */ = C.orElse([]);
expect(() => p.parseOrThrow("anything")).toThrow("no parse matched: []");
function extractError(result /*: C.ParseResult<mixed> */) /*: string */ {
expect(result).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ok: false}));
if (result.ok) {
throw new Error("(unreachable)");
return result.err;
function checkPositive(x /*: number */) /*: number */ {
if (!(x > 0)) throw new Error("not positive");
return x;
function checkNegative(x /*: number */) /*: number */ {
if (!(x < 0)) throw new Error("not negative");
return x;
function checkZero(x /*: number */) /*: number */ {
if (!(x === 0)) throw new Error("not zero");
return x;
it("combines error messages with a default combination function", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<number> */ = C.orElse([
C.fmap(C.number, checkPositive),
C.fmap(C.number, checkNegative),
C.fmap(C.number, checkZero),
expect(() => p.parseOrThrow(NaN)).toThrow(
'no parse matched: ["not positive","not negative","not zero"]'
it("applies a user-specified error combination function", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<number> */ = C.orElse(
C.fmap(C.number, checkPositive),
C.fmap(C.number, checkNegative),
C.fmap(C.number, checkZero),
(errors) => => `${e}!`).join(" and ")
const result = p.parse(NaN);
const err = extractError(result);
expect(err).toEqual("not positive! and not negative! and not zero!");
describe("array", () => {
it("accepts an empty array", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<string[]> */ = C.array(C.string);
it("accepts a singleton array", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<string[]> */ = C.array(C.string);
it("accepts a long array", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<string[]> */ = C.array(C.string);
expect(p.parseOrThrow(["a", "b", "c"])).toEqual(["a", "b", "c"]);
it("works for nested array types", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<string[][]> */ = C.array(C.array(C.string));
expect(p.parseOrThrow([["a", "b"], ["c"]])).toEqual([["a", "b"], ["c"]]);
it("rejects on an object with numeric-string keys", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<string[][]> */ = C.array(C.array(C.string));
const input = {"0": "hmm", "1": "hum"};
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow(input);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected array, got object");
it("rejects arrays with elements of the wrong type", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<string[]> */ = C.array(C.string);
const input = ["one", "two", 5];
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow(input);
expect(thunk).toThrow("index 2: expected string, got number");
it("has nice error messages on nested arrays", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<string[][]> */ = C.array(C.array(C.string));
const input = [["one"], ["two"], [5, "---three, sir"]];
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow(input);
expect(thunk).toThrow("index 2: index 0: expected string, got number");
it("is type-safe", () => {
// $FlowExpectedError
(C.array(C.string) /*: C.Parser<string> */);
// $FlowExpectedError
(C.array(C.string) /*: C.Parser<number[]> */);
// $FlowExpectedError
(C.array(C.string) /*: C.Parser<string[][]> */);
describe("object", () => {
it("type-errors if the unique field doesn't match", () => {
// $FlowExpectedError
(C.object({name: C.string}) /*: C.Parser<{|+name: number|}> */);
it("type-errors if two fields on an object are swapped", () => {
// $FlowExpectedError
name: C.string,
age: C.number,
}) /*: C.Parser<{|
+name: number,
+age: string,
|}> */);
it("type-errors if two optional fields on an object are swapped", () => {
// $FlowExpectedError
{id: C.string},
{maybeName: C.string, maybeAge: C.number}
) /*: C.Parser<{|
+id: string,
+maybeName?: number,
+maybeAge?: string,
|}> */);
it("type-errors on bad required fields when optionals present", () => {
// $FlowExpectedError
{name: C.string, age: C.number},
{hmm: C.boolean}
) /*: C.Parser<{|
+name: number,
+age: string,
+hmm?: boolean,
|}> */);
it("type-errors on bad required fields when empty optionals present", () => {
// $FlowExpectedError
{name: C.string, age: C.number},
) /*: C.Parser<{|
+name: number,
+age: string,
+hmm?: boolean,
|}> */);
it("accepts an object with one field", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<{|+name: string|}> */ = C.object({name: C.string});
expect(p.parseOrThrow({name: "alice"})).toEqual({name: "alice"});
it("accepts an object with two fields at distinct types", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<{|+name: string, +age: number|}> */ = C.object({
name: C.string,
age: C.number,
expect(p.parseOrThrow({name: "alice", age: 42})).toEqual({
name: "alice",
age: 42,
it("ignores extraneous fields on input values", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<{|+name: string, +age: number|}> */ = C.object({
name: C.string,
age: C.number,
expect(p.parseOrThrow({name: "alice", age: 42, hoopy: true})).toEqual({
name: "alice",
age: 42,
it("rejects an object with missing fields", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<{|+name: string, +age: number|}> */ = C.object({
name: C.string,
age: C.number,
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow({name: "alice"});
expect(thunk).toThrow('missing key: "age"');
it("rejects an object with fields at the wrong type", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<{|+name: string, +age: number|}> */ = C.object({
name: C.string,
age: C.number,
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow({name: "alice", age: "secret"});
expect(thunk).toThrow('key "age": expected number, got string');
it("rejects arrays", () => {
const p = C.object({name: C.string});
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow(["alice", "bob"]);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected object, got array");
it("rejects null", () => {
const p = C.object({name: C.string});
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow(null);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected object, got null");
it("rejects strings", () => {
const p = C.object({name: C.string});
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow("hmm");
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected object, got string");
describe("for objects with some required and some optional fields", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<{|
+rs: string,
+rn: number,
+os?: string,
+on?: number,
|}> */ = C.object(
{rs: C.string, rn: C.number},
{os: C.string, on: C.number}
it("accepts values with none of the optional fields", () => {
const v = {rs: "a", rn: 1};
it("accepts values with a strict subset of the optional fields", () => {
const v = {rs: "a", rn: 1, on: 9};
it("accepts values with all the optional fields", () => {
const v = {rs: "a", rn: 1, os: "z", on: 9};
describe("with field renaming", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<{|
+one: number,
+two: number,
+three?: number,
+four?: number,
|}> */ = C.object(
{one: C.number, two: C.rename("dos", C.number)},
{three: C.number, four: C.rename("cuatro", C.number)}
it("renames both required and optional fields", () => {
expect(p.parseOrThrow({one: 1, dos: 2, three: 3, cuatro: 4})).toEqual({
one: 1,
two: 2,
three: 3,
four: 4,
it("provides missing key errors using the user-facing name", () => {
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow({one: 1, cuatro: 4});
expect(thunk).toThrow('missing key: "dos"');
it("only accepts the user-facing keys", () => {
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow({one: 1, two: 2});
expect(thunk).toThrow('missing key: "dos"');
it("only accepts the user-facing keys for optionals", () => {
expect(p.parseOrThrow({one: 1, dos: 2, three: 3, four: 4})).toEqual({
one: 1,
two: 2,
three: 3,
it("allows mapping one old key to multiple new keys", () => {
// This makes it a bit harder to see how to turn `object` into
// an iso, but it's the intended behavior for now, so let's test
// it.
const p /*: C.Parser<{|
+value: number,
+valueAsString: string,
|}> */ = C.object(
value: C.number,
valueAsString: C.rename(
C.fmap(C.number, (n) => n.toFixed())
expect(p.parseOrThrow({value: 7})).toEqual({
value: 7,
valueAsString: "7",
it("fails when `required` and `optional` have overlapping new keys", () => {
expect(() => {
// ...even if the parser types are compatible and the old keys
// are different
C.object({hmm: C.string}, {hmm: C.rename("hum", C.string)});
}).toThrow('duplicate key: "hmm"');
it("doesn't type a rename as a parser", () => {
// In the (current) implementation, a `C.rename(...)` actually is
// a parser, for weird typing reasons. This test ensures that that
// implementation detail doesn't leak past the opaque type
// boundary.
const rename = C.rename("old", C.string);
// $FlowExpectedError
(rename /*: C.Parser<string> */);
it("forbids renaming a rename at the type level", () => {
// $FlowExpectedError
C.rename("hmm", C.rename("old", C.string));
describe("shape", () => {
// Light test; this is a special case of `object`.
it("works for normal and renamed fields", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<{|
+one?: number,
+two?: number,
+three?: number,
+four?: number,
|}> */ = C.shape(
one: C.number,
two: C.rename("dos", C.number),
three: C.number,
four: C.rename("cuatro", C.number),
expect(p.parseOrThrow({one: 1, dos: 2})).toEqual({one: 1, two: 2});
it("type-errors if the output has any required fields", () => {
const _ /*: C.Parser<{|
+a?: null,
+b: null, // bad
// $FlowExpectedError
|}> */ = C.shape(
a: C.null_,
b: C.null_,
describe("tuple", () => {
describe("for an empty tuple type", () => {
const makeParser = () /*: C.Parser<[]> */ => C.tuple([]);
it("accepts an empty array", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<[]> */ = makeParser();
it("rejects a non-empty array", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<[]> */ = makeParser();
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow([1, 2, 3]);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected array of length 0, got 3");
describe("for a heterogeneous tuple type", () => {
it("is typesafe", () => {
(C.tuple([C.string, C.number]) /*: C.Parser<[string, number]> */);
// $FlowExpectedError
(C.tuple([C.string, C.number]) /*: C.Parser<[string, string]> */);
const makeParser = () /*: C.Parser<[string, number]> */ =>
C.tuple([C.fmap(C.string, (s) => s + "!"), C.number]);
it("rejects a non-array", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<[string, number]> */ = makeParser();
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow({hmm: "hum"});
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected array, got object");
it("rejects an empty array", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<[string, number]> */ = makeParser();
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow([]);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected array of length 2, got 0");
it("rejects an array of proper length but bad values", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<[string, number]> */ = makeParser();
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow(["one", "two"]);
expect(thunk).toThrow("index 1: expected number, got string");
it("accepts a properly typed input", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<[string, number]> */ = makeParser();
expect(p.parseOrThrow(["one", 23])).toEqual(["one!", 23]);
describe("dict", () => {
const makeParser = () /*: C.Parser<{|[string]: number|}> */ =>
it("is type-safe", () => {
// when no key parser is given, key type must be string
// $FlowExpectedError
(C.dict(C.string) /*: C.Parser<{["hmm"]: string}> */);
it("rejects null", () => {
const p = makeParser();
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow(null);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected object, got null");
it("rejects arrays", () => {
const p = makeParser();
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow([1, 2, 3]);
expect(thunk).toThrow("expected object, got array");
it("accepts an empty object", () => {
const p = makeParser();
it("accepts an object with one entries", () => {
const p = makeParser();
expect(p.parseOrThrow({one: 1})).toEqual({one: 1});
it("accepts an object with multiple entries", () => {
const p = makeParser();
const input = {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3};
expect(p.parseOrThrow(input)).toEqual({one: 1, two: 2, three: 3});
it("rejects an object with bad values", () => {
const p = makeParser();
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow({one: "two?"});
expect(thunk).toThrow('value "one": expected number, got string');
describe("with custom key parser", () => {
/*:: type Color = "RED" | "GREEN" | "BLUE"; */
const color /*: C.Parser<Color> */ = C.fmap(C.string, (x) => {
x = x.toUpperCase();
if (x === "RED" || x === "GREEN" || x === "BLUE") {
return x;
throw new Error(`bad color: ${x}`);
it("accepts an object", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<{[Color]: number}> */ = C.dict(C.number, color);
const input = {red: 1, green: 2};
expect(p.parseOrThrow(input)).toEqual({RED: 1, GREEN: 2});
it("rejects unparseable keys", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<{[Color]: number}> */ = C.dict(C.number, color);
const input = {yellow: 777};
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow(input);
expect(thunk).toThrow('key "yellow": bad color: YELLOW');
it("rejects conflicting keys", () => {
const p /*: C.Parser<{[Color]: number}> */ = C.dict(C.number, color);
const input = {rEd: 1, ReD: 2};
const thunk = () => p.parseOrThrow(input);
'conflicting keys "rEd" and "ReD" both have logical key "RED"'
it("is type-safe", () => {
// key type must be string subtype
const asciiNumber /*: C.Parser<number> */ = C.fmap(C.string, (x) =>
parseInt(x, 10)
// $FlowExpectedError
C.dict(C.boolean, asciiNumber);
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