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Created August 11, 2011 18:56
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Using node-control i've built my deployment script, it was fun and easy to do and go :)
var control = require('control'),
script = process.argv[1],
perform = control.perform,
task = control.task;
* Project related configuration
var ProjectConfig = {
// Keep it simple word so we could use it for Rails environment too.
rootDir: 'staging',
// Git repository
git: 'git://',
// Setup active branch
branch: 'master',
// Setup target server port
serverPort: 4000,
// Setup server access configuration
serverConfig: {
'staging': {
'some-ssh-able-server-ip-or-host': {
user: 'user-name'
var PC = ProjectConfig;
* Command generator
var CommandBuilder = {
buildServerCommand: function(start) {
return 'cd ~/' + PC.rootDir + ' && /usr/bin/ruby1.8 /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails cluster::' + (start ? 'start' : 'stop') +
' -C config/staging_mongrel.conf';
buildExecCommand: function() {
var argv = (process.argv || []);
var needle = argv.indexOf('exec');
return "cd ~/" + PC.rootDir + " && " + argv.splice(needle + 1, argv.length).join(' ');
buildRakeCommand: function() {
var argv = (process.argv || []);
var needle = argv.indexOf('rake');
var cmd = "cd ~/" + PC.rootDir + " && " + argv.splice(needle, argv.length).join(' ');
if (cmd.indexOf('RAILS_ENV') == -1) {
cmd += ' RAILS_ENV=' + PC.rootDir;
return cmd;
buildCodePullCommand: function() {
return 'cd ~/' + PC.rootDir + ' && git checkout master && git pull';
buildSetupCommand: function() {
var cmd = 'git clone ' + PC.git + ' ' + PC.rootDir + '';
cmd += ' && mkdir ~/' + PC.rootDir + '/log ';
cmd += ' && mkdir ~/' + PC.rootDir + '/tmp ';
cmd += ' && mkdir ~/' + PC.rootDir + '/tmp/pids ';
return cmd;
buildConfig: function(/* String */type) {
return PC.serverConfig[type];
buildClearCacheCommand: function() {
return "cd ~/" + PC.rootDir + ' && ' + 'rm -rf tmp/cache && ' +
'rm -rf public/stylesheets/cache* && ' +
'rm -rf public/javascripts/cache*'
var CB = CommandBuilder;
* Retrieve environment related configuration
task('staging', 'Config staging server', function() {
return control.controllers(CB.buildConfig('staging'));
task('setup_dir', 'Setup project directory', function(c) {
task('setup_code', 'Update code base', function(c) {
task('setup', 'Setup whole project', function(c) {
perform('setup_dir', c);
perform('setup_code', c);
task('destroy', 'Destroy existing code base', function(c) {
c.ssh('rm -rf ' + PC.rootDir);
task('update_code', 'Update code base', function(c) {
task('start_server', 'Start server', function(c) {
task('stop_server', 'Stop already running server processes', function(c) {
task('restart_server', 'Restart server process', function(c) {
c.ssh(CB.buildServerCommand(false) + ' && ' + CB.buildServerCommand(true));
task('rake', 'Execute rake at server end', function(c) {
task('exec', 'Execute command in server end', function(c) {
task('update', 'Deploy code in staging server', function(controller) {
perform('update_code', controller);
task('deploy', 'Deploy new code and restart server', function(c) {
var cmds = [
CB.buildCodePullCommand(), CB.buildClearCacheCommand(),
CB.buildServerCommand(false), CB.buildServerCommand(true)
c.ssh(cmds.join(' && '));
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