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Created November 4, 2018 15:33
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#survey of #Ruby #doctest

Ruby Doctest

Doctest in Python is a good design. Doctest ensures code, documentation, and tests are in a single place. So readers can understand the logic of code easier, without a lot of navigation.

Unlike Python, Ruby does not have built-in doctest, but there are some third party libraries enabling doctest in Ruby.


Doctest::RSpec integrates with RSpec, and requires a wrap for every unit test:

require 'doctest/rspec'

describe MyClassWithDoctests do
  doctest MyClassWithDoctests

This is rather boring.

Also, test unit is mapped to module/class. In module/class tests grouping is not supported.

It provides doctest-core, a separate module to extract test code from source. It is useful to implement your own doctest.

Besides, it is said that rspec is slower than MiniTest/Spec.


rdoctest requires two space indentation for test code, which is a bit restrictive.

Ruby Doctest

Python's doctest supports expected exceptions:

>>> [1, 2, 3].remove(42)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

Python's doctest also supports ellipsis wildcards:

>>> object() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<object object at 0x...>

Ruby Doctest supports neither expected exceptions nor ellipsis wildcards.

There are (ugly) workarounds:

>> =~ /#<Object:0x.+>/
=> 0

>> begin
 |   1 / 0
 | rescue ZeroDivisionError
 |   'expected'
 | end
=> "expected"

To be fair, other libraries usually do not support these features either.


Dest's output is different from Ruby Doctest.

This is Ruby Doctest's output:

1.  FAIL | Default Test
           Got:      120
           Expected: 130
             from /tmp/doctest.rb:21
4 comparisons, 1 doctests, 1 failures, 0 errors

And this is Dest's:

    1) Test in /tmp/doctest.rb failed on line 21
          Expected: factorial(5)
          To Equal: 130
           But got: 120

Finished in 0.007838533 seconds
4 tests, 1 failures

From Dest's output, you know at a glance there is something wrong with your method factorial, without referring to the source code.

However, Ruby Doctest allows doctest: description to group tests, as showed above: 4 comparisons, 1 doctests. Dest lacks this feature.


minitest-doctest uses Mintiest to run the tests.

You can't get it from It is available on GitHub only.


# Test description.
# >> code
# => result

You can call it via minidoctest or rake.


yard-doctest also uses Minitest. And it requires yard.

It provides unique features:

  • test helper
  • hooks such as before, after and after-all
  • skip
  • YARD::Doctest::RakeTask
# @example Dogs never hunt dogs
#   dog =
#   dog.can_hunt_dogs? #=> false
#   dog =
#   dog.can_hurt_cats?
#   #=> true
def can_hunt_dogs?

def can_hurt_cats?

For convenience, you can add the following lines to .pryrc:

Pry.config.prompt = Pry::NO_PROMPT
Pry.config.output_prefix = '#=> '

Then you can just paste and copy from pry session.

You can run it via yard doctest.

Or use rake yard:doctest:

require 'yard-doctest' do |task|
  task.doctest_opts = %w[-v]
  task.pattern = 'lib/**/*.rb'

You can use -p/--pride option to get colorful output.

module_funcion copies instance methods, so they will produce duplicated tests. To avoid it, add the following lines in your doctest_helper.rb:

YARD::Doctest.configure do |doctest|
  YourModule.private_instance_methods.each do |m|
    doctest.skip "YourModule.#{m.to_s}"

If you have a lot of modules:

open('lib/*/*.rb') do |f|
  module_lines = f.find_all { |line| line[0..5] == 'module' }
  modules = { |s| s.strip().tr(' ', '')[6..-1] }
  modules.each do |mod|
    mod = Object.const_get(mod)
    include mod
    YARD::Doctest.configure do |doctest|
      mod.private_instance_methods.each do |m|
        doctest.skip "#{mod}.#{m.to_s}"


  • We also use include mod, so we can write shorter doctests (method instead of Module.method).
  • Meta-programming like is not supported.

Yard with instance_eval

There is also doctest for yard using instance_eval. It is given as an example on Montreal.rb talk.

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