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Last active March 30, 2018 13:52
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attempt to revove extra Google Maps API scripts when showing a map from the Flexible Map plugin for WordPress
Plugin Name: Flxmap No Conflict
Plugin URI:
Description: attempt to remove extra Google Maps API scripts when showing a Flexible Map
Version: 1
Author: WebAware
Author URI:
* encapsulate in a class
class FlxmapNoConflict {
* hook into WordPress
public static function run() {
add_action('wp_head', array(__CLASS__, 'removeConflicts'), 1);
add_action('wp_footer', array(__CLASS__, 'removeConflicts'), 1);
* scan list of enqueued scripts checking for Google Maps API script that will conflict
public static function removeConflicts() {
global $wp_scripts;
global $post;
// check to see if Flexible Map plugin is activated
if (!defined('FLXMAP_PLUGIN_ROOT')) {
// check to see if Flexible Map script is enqueued, or post content contains Flexible Map shortcode
if (!(wp_script_is('flxmap') || ($post && strpos($post->post_content, '[' . FLXMAP_PLUGIN_TAG_MAP) !== false))) {
$queue = self::includeDependencies($wp_scripts->queue);
foreach ($queue as $key => $handle) {
// skip Google Maps handle that won't conflict
if ($handle == 'google-maps') {
// get registered script object
if (isset($wp_scripts->registered[$handle])) {
$script = $wp_scripts->registered[$handle];
// check for Google Maps API in URL
// e.g.,
if (preg_match('#maps\.google(?:\w+)?\.com/maps/api/js#', $script->src)) {
// remove the API script from the queue
$key = array_search($handle, $wp_scripts->queue);
if ($key !== false) {
// find dependents
$deps = self::findDependents($handle);
foreach ($deps as $dep) {
$dep = array_search($dep, $wp_scripts->queue);
if ($dep !== false) {
* recursively search for script dependencies and add to list of scripts
* @param array $queue
* @return array
protected static function includeDependencies($queue) {
global $wp_scripts;
$prereqs = array();
foreach ($queue as $handle) {
// script must be registered
if (!isset($wp_scripts->registered[$handle])) {
$script = $wp_scripts->registered[$handle];
// dependencies must be registered
if ($script->deps && array_diff($script->deps, array_keys($wp_scripts->registered))) {
// merge dependencies with list of prerequisites
$prereqs = array_merge($prereqs, $script->deps);
// get unique list of prereq's
$prereqs = array_unique($prereqs);
// remove dependencies already in the queue
$prereqs = array_diff($prereqs, $queue);
// check for further dependencies
if (!empty($prereqs)) {
$prereqs = self::includeDependencies($prereqs);
// merge with queue
$queue = array_merge($queue, $prereqs);
return $queue;
* recursively find dependent scripts for a handle
* @param string $handle
* @return array
protected static function findDependents($handle) {
global $wp_scripts;
$deps = array();
foreach ($wp_scripts->registered as $key => $script) {
if ($script->deps && in_array($handle, $script->deps)) {
$deps[] = $key;
$deps = array_merge($deps, self::findDependents($key));
return array_unique($deps);
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