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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Save webbyworks/27ebac3f053ec9773e6c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert WordPress content into static site ready content by giving it a nice YAML front matter header and MarkDown ready content.
$website = ""; // enter your website here, see stripContent function for more details
$username = 'root'; // enter your database's username here
$password = 'password'; // enter your database username's password here
$hostname = 'localhost'; // enter the hostname of your database here
$dbname = 'dbname'; // enter the name of your database here
$output_extension = ".md"; // type of file to output
$out = "/tmp/"; // set where you want the output files to go
$author = "Your Name"; // insert your name as the author for each page and post
* This function removes the slashes, and any absolute references in your posts & pages
* It will also change any references to "/wp-content/uploads/..." to "/img/..."
* So be wary of this when you download and the re-upload to your static site
* @param string $content
* @param string $website
* @return string
function stripContent( $content, $website ) {
$arr = array( $website, "/wp-content" );
$str = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", stripslashes( $content ) );
$str = str_replace( $arr, "", $str );
return str_replace( "/uploads", "/img", $str );
* This function translates the array of tags in your posts and pages and
* converts it into a string for YAML Front Matter friendly input.
* @param string $tags
* @return string
function outputTags( $tags ) {
$arr = explode( ",", $tags );
$result = "";
foreach( $arr as $i ) {
$result .= " - " . trim( $i ) . "\n";
return $result;
* This function checks whether you have an excerpt for your post and pages
* and if not creates one from the opening paragraph of your content.
* @param string $excerpt
* @param string $content
* @return string
function getExcerpt( $excerpt, $content ) {
if ( strlen( trim( $excerpt ) ) > 0 ) return trim( $excerpt );
$result = strip_tags( substr( $content, 0, strpos( $content, "\n" ) ) );
$result = str_replace( ":", ".", $result ); // YAML plugin doesn't like colons anywhere in header text
return trim( $result );
// let's connect to the database
$dbhandle = mysql_connect( $hostname, $username, $password ) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");
// let's select the database we need
$db = mysql_select_db( $dbname, $dbhandle ) or die("could not select" . $dbname );
// set the output to UTF-8, if you need another format enter that here, otherwise leave.
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
// show that everything's all good.
echo("Connected to db\n");
// grab the data from the database
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT p.ID as id, p.post_date as postdate, p.post_title as title, p.post_excerpt as excerpt, p.post_name as URI, p.post_type as posttype, p.post_content as content, group_concat( separator ', ' ) as tags
from wp_posts p
left outer join wp_term_relationships r on (p.ID = r.object_id)
left outer join wp_terms t on (r.term_taxonomy_id = t.term_id)
group by id;" )
or die(mysql_error());
// loop through the array of rows we now have and output to the file accordingly
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) {
// check that the row has a URI
if ( strlen($row['URI']) > 0 ) {
// check that it's a post or page
if ( $row['posttype'] == 'post' || $row['posttype'] == 'page' ) {
// remove absolute links and amend links to /wp-contents/upload/... to /img/...
$content = stripContent( $row['content'], $website );
// prepare the file name for output
$file = $out . $row['URI'] . $output_extension;
$handle = fopen( $file, "w" );
$file = "\xEF\xBB\xBF".$file; // this is what makes the magic for outputting UTF-8
// START YAML front matter
$output = "---" . "\n";
$output .= "title: " . $row['title'] . "\n";
$output .= "author: " $yourname . "\n";
$output .= "date: " . $row['postdate'] . "\n";
// check if the post or page has tags
if ( $row['tags'] ) $output .= "tags: \n" . outputTags( $row['tags'] );
$output .= "excerpt: " . getExcerpt( $row['excerpt'] , $row['content'] ) . "\n";
$output .= "template: " . $row['posttype'] . "\n";
// As post and pages can have different output we'll need to create different redirects
// for each. Generally 'posts' follow the permalink structure, whereas pages are just the URI
if ( $row['posttype'] == 'post' ) $output .= "redirects: \n" . " - /" . $row['id'] . "/" . $row['URI'] . "/index.html" . "\n";
if ( $row['posttype'] == 'page' ) $output .= "redirects: \n" . " - /" . $row['URI'] . "/index.html" . "\n";
$output .= "---" . "\n";
// END YAML header
$output .= $content;
// output the result to file and close
fwrite( $handle, $output );
fclose( $handle );
// Once we're done show it!
echo("finished!" . "\n");
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