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webdev23 / CRYPTOPAT messsage encryption &decryption
Last active December 18, 2015 04:58
This sources are simplified version of website. This tools allow to generate and read specials (smalls) messages encrypted with SERPENT 256bits (or another mcrypt supported algorythm like AES, TWOFISH..) and a private key. Specially made for be simple but with a very high privacy level.
This sources are simplified version of website.
This tools allow to generate and read specials (smalls) messages encrypted with SERPENT 256bits
(or another mcrypt supported algorythm like AES, TWOFISH..) and a private key.
Specially made for be simple but with a very high privacy level.
The reader and the writer don't needs any additionnal software or plugin for use it, just a
html5 compatible browser.
Encryption and decryption are made on client-side with javascript, so it can also be used
webdev23 / QEMU_MicroXP-v0.82.php
Last active May 3, 2023 18:27
QEMU MicroXP-v0.82.iso installation script from internet archives
echo " _.-;;-._
\e[15;48;5;20mMicro_xp QEMU deployment script '-..-'| || |
'-..-'| || |
webdev23 / winkill
Last active September 9, 2017 13:49
Kill all x11 windows, empty ram and swap, empty trash bin | php bash script
// Get all x11 windows
$windows = system("wmctrl -l | cut -f1 -d' ' > winlist");
$list = file("winlist");
foreach($list as $kill){
webdev23 / EQ
Last active September 9, 2017 13:40
Pulseaudio equalizer command line fine control | php bash script
// Usage: ./EQ [bandnumber] [+/-]
// ./EQ toggle
// ./EQ reset
// ./EQ gui
webdev23 / keystrokes.php
Created March 27, 2018 23:01
Realtime keystrokes in php bash scripts
$trap = [];
system("xinput list | grep -Po 'id=\K\d+(?=.*slave\s*keyboard)' \
| xargs -P0 -n1 xinput test > keys &");
while (true){
$data = file("keys");
$key = $data;
webdev23 /
Created April 1, 2018 21:26 — forked from izabera/
tput codes

This is the table from man 5 terminfo.

Do NOT hardcode terminal escape sequences. Use tput with the cap-names from the table below to get the right code for your terminal.

(P) indicates that padding may be specified
webdev23 /
Created January 14, 2021 12:37
Connect to Xiaomi Mi 4K stream without app
echo '{"msg_id":257,"token":0}' | telnet 7878
//termux-open-url rtsp://
vlc rtsp://
webdev23 / markletbooker
Last active May 29, 2022 09:33
MarkletBooker: a bookmarklet to create and edit es6+ bookmarklets
javascript:void (async()=>{let e="",t="",n="🐙";if(console.log(window.getSelection().rangeCount),window.getSelection()&&window.getSelection().rangeCount>=1){console.log(window.getSelection());try{if(t="(async () => {\n"+window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.textContent+"\n})();","javascript"===window.getSelection().anchorNode.textContent.split(":")[0])return void(t=window.getSelection().anchorNode.textContent);if("javascript"===window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.textContent.split(":")[0])return void(t=window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.textContent);if("javascript"===window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.textContent.split(":")[0])return void(t=window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.textContent);if("javascript"===window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.href.split(":")[0])return void(t=window.getSelection().anchorNode.parentElement.href)}catch(e){console.log(e.message)}}document.documentElement.innerHTML=document.implementation.createHTMLDocument().document
webdev23 / 💾RePack
Last active March 16, 2024 07:19
💾RePack bookmarklet. Dump static page in one html file, highlight contents, embed styles, convert images as data-uri, remove scripts.
// Bookmarklet
javascript:void (()=>{let e="";try{document.designMode="on",onmouseup=()=>{document.execCommand("backColor",!1,"chartreuse"),window.getSelection().removeAllRanges()};var n=/^\s*('|")/;[...document.styleSheets].forEach((t=>{[...t.rules].forEach((t=>{var o,c;e+=(o=t.cssText,c=function(e){var n;(n=e,fetch(n).then((e=>e.blob())).then((e=>new Promise(((n,t)=>{const o=new FileReader;o.onloadend=()=>n(o.result),o.onerror=console.log(n,t),o.readAsDataURL(e)}))))).then((e=>{console.log("RESULT:",e)}))},[/(@import\s+)(')(.+?)(')/gi,/(@import\s+)(")(.+?)(")/gi,/(url\s*\()(\s*')([^']+?)(')/gi,/(url\s*\()(\s*")([^"]+?)(")/gi,/(url\s*\()(\s*)([^\s'")].*?)(\s*\))/gi].reduce((function(e,t,o){return e.replace(t,(function(e,t,o,r,s){var a=c(r);return console.log(t,o,a,s),n.test(a)&&n.test(o)&&(o=s=""),t+o+a+s}))}),o))}))})),[...document.querySelectorAll("link")].forEach((e=>{e.outerHTML=""})),[...document.querySelectorAll("source")].forEach((e=>{var n;(n=e.src,fetch(n).then((e=>e.blob())).then((e=>new Promise(((