Feature: Signing in 
  In order to use the site 
  As a user 
  I want to be able to sign in
    Scenario: Signing in via confirmation 
      Given there are the following users:
      | email	            | password  | confirm_user    | 
      | user@ticketee.com | password  | false	          |
      And "user@ticketee.com" opens the email with subject "Confirmation instructions" 
      And they click the first link in the email  
      Then I should see "Your account was successfully confirmed."
    Scenario: Signing in via form 
      Given there are the following users:
      | email	            | password  | confirm_user    | 
      | user@ticketee.com | password  | true	          |
      And I am on the homepage 
      When I follow "Sign in" 
      And I fill in "Email" with "user@ticketee.com" 
      And I fill in "Password" with "password"
      And I press "Sign in"
      And I dump the response        
      Then I should see "Signed in successfully."