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Created August 21, 2018 16:00
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WDL script to filter VCF files based on a bed file and gzip and tabix the results
task subset_vcf {
File vcf
File tabix
File bed
String basename
Int disk_size
Int preemptible_tries
command <<<
echo "basename is: ${basename}"
echo "disk_size is: ${disk_size}"
ln -s ${bed} sites.bed
ln -s ${vcf} input.vcf.gz
ln -s ${tabix} input.vcf.gz.tbi
bedtools intersect -header -a input.vcf.gz -b sites.bed | bgzip > ${basename}.recab.cram-filtered.known.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf ${basename}.recab.cram-filtered.known.vcf.gz
runtime {
docker: "jweinstk/bedtools_and_tabix:latest"
cpu: "1"
memory: "3.7 GB"
disks: "local-disk " + disk_size + " HDD"
preemptible: preemptible_tries
output {
File output_vcf = "${basename}.recab.cram-filtered.known.vcf.gz"
File output_vcf_idx = "${basename}.recab.cram-filtered.known.vcf.gz.tbi"
workflow subset_vcf_for_known {
File vcf_uris
Array[Array[String]] vcfs = read_tsv(vcf_uris)
File bed
String suffix
Int preemptible_tries
scatter (vcf in vcfs) {
String basename = sub(sub(vcf[0], "^.*/", ""), suffix + "$", "")
Int disk_size = ceil(size(vcf[0], "GB")) * 2 + 5 # size for input and output vcf + pad
call subset_vcf {
vcf = vcf[0],
tabix = vcf[1],
basename = basename,
bed = bed,
disk_size = disk_size,
preemptible_tries = preemptible_tries
output {
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