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Created May 4, 2020 08:25
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for CharlieCC
func main() {
//str := "能解此愁,唯有杜康!"
//str := `"{"data":"中文"}"`
str := []byte(`"{"data":"中文"}"`)
fmt.Printf("string: %s\n", str)
//fmt.Println("String length:", len([]rune(str)))
fmt.Println("String length:", len([]byte(str)))
fmt.Println(" Bytes length:", len(str))
fmt.Println("cnt index rune char bytes")
cnt := 0
for index, char := range str {
fmt.Printf("%-2d %-2d %U %2c %X\n",
cnt, index, char, char, []byte(string(char)))
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